Plenty of great advice elsewhere on the board from the 'Sages' on the topics of investing and interest, so I will not touch them here. As for the other items, here are a few easy tips from the '888' household.
Food: Wife and I both bring our own lunch to work from home every day.
Saving = a minimum of $2 to 3 a day, times 6 days per week (we work on Saturday) times 50 weeks per year equates to a minimum of $600 per annum saved.
Clothes: Always buy on sale or wholesale. We buy the majority of any necessary Winter clothes and stuff in Spring clearance sales (and Summer stuff in the Autumn sales) as we are not ultra hip cutting edge latest fashion freaks being a season out of style does not concern us. Savings in this area are not specifically identified but must come to at least another $300 to 400.
As for personal items (household products, toothe paste, shower stuff etc), we buy on sale or when stuff is on a ''2 for 1''offer or the like and then BUY IN BULK. We are currently sat on at least 6 months of toiletries, all bought at less than half price. Saving around $200 a year I guess.
That adds up to around $1000 per annum saved with little or no real effort - we do not go out searching for the cheapest stuff, nor even go to different stores, just wait for the sales and promotions. All common sense really.
Basically, it is just opportunistic timing of purchases. Think Buffett buying stocks for Mrs888 buying our domestic consumables: she waits till it screams BUY BUY BUY
and then loads up!!!!!!!
Another thing I have found useful is to periodically review, say every 6 months or so, our overall spending patterns to see where any 'sloppiness' has crept in. Example: in our last review, we noticed that the cell phone bills had been creeping up. We had been using the cell instead of just waiting till we got home or to the office and that on reflection there was no great urgency in most of the calls. So we decided to focus on that and bingo, bills are now down by nearly 25%.
Hopes this helps and stimulates some more suggestions.
Good luck
Simon 888