Did I screw up SS question

burned out shift worker

Dryer sheet wannabe
Mar 10, 2016
Hello all, turned 65 in August this year will be collecting about 3,100 a month in SS when I start collecting in January. Retired at 57 and used ACA for med. benefits wife is 70 and has been collecting her SS since 62, 1,100 a month. I was not aware that if I started collecting SS at 62 she would have got 1,700 a month( todays money) off of my earning record.

But I would have got 600 less going at 62 vs 65 and 3 months and the ACA subsidy so many pieces to this puzzle The end story I will wait till Jan and start with mine and her 600 increase. Life is good
She would not have gotten 1/2 your PIA because if she claimed at 62, her spousal benefits would be reduced for claiming early.
Yes that's the rub. LOL We have 2 small pensions 500/month total 1.2mil IRAs 250k taxables we will be going from 1400 a month to 4800 a month ss and pensions with a 2% withdraw rate gives us about 7,500 a month that's enough for these 2 country folks
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