Did something change in calculation methodology?


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 19, 2007
I've occasionally run Firecalc with basically the same data over the years since ER in 2003 and have always gotten a nice reassuring 100% success rate. Much to my surprise I just ran a simulation with the same parameters as before and now I'm getting a low 90% success rate. Did something change recently?
I believe that the data sets were updated recently. If the new data includes the Great Recession, that would likely affect success rates.
Not surprising to me after update of recent bond returns.
To the OP: Use the investigate tab and see what cycles are failing. If it is the ones including the more recent unpleasantness then it could be just the newer data recently added. Otherwise, I suspect you did something slightly differently this time.
Well after a thorough investigation I determined that indeed something had changed - the mental ability of the OP- I put in monthly SS amounts instead of annual figures in the SS income section. Humble apologies.... On the one hand, I'm happy that I'm back to the 100% level. On the other hand now I have to worry they don't cut SS to 1/12 of what it currently is :facepalm:
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