Dont mess with 73 year old Kenyan dudes

cute fuzzy bunny

Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Dec 17, 2003
Losing my whump
A 73-year-old Kenyan farmer found himself at death's door when a charging leopard sank its teeth into his wrist and mauled him with its claws. So Daniel M'Mburugu did what any self-respecting peasant farmer would do: He ripped the leopard's tongue out with his bare hands. "A voice, which must have come from God, whispered to me to drop the panga (machete) and thrust my hand in its wide open mouth. I obeyed," he said. M'Mburugu was tending to his potato and bean crops when the carnivorous cat leaped out of the long grass. When, at long last, he wrenched the leopard's tongue from its mouth, the beast uttered a dastardly death rattle. "It let out a blood-curdling snarl that made the birds stop chirping," he told the Daily Standard.

Nords, this tops the guy kicking the grizzly in the face, methinks...
Notth said:
Nords, this tops the guy kicking the grizzly in the face, methinks...
Ouch. I've heard about garden pests but this seems like a serious infestation!

That grizzly kick is legal in tae kwon do. I'll have to check the rule book about ripping out tongues...

... and we'll have to keep an eye on
If a voice told me to put down the machete and put my hand in the leopard's mouth, I'd tell the voice to STFU. 

A man has lost all his money, and he is on a bridge, about to jump, when he hears a voice that says "Get a no-money down mortgage and buy the property at 254 Elm St."  The man does that and two months later, the voice says "Sell the property!"  He does that and makes $2 million dollars."

The voice then says "Get another zero-down mortgage, and buy the high-rise at 34 Fifth St."  The man does this, but then the real estate market crashes, and the man is in the hole for $5 million.  The voice then says "Go back to the bridge."
Nords said:
That grizzly kick is legal in tae kwon do. I'll have to check the rule book about ripping out tongues...

I think both are easily left in the weeds by "monkey steals peach"... :p


  • MonkeyStealsPeach.jpg
    15.2 KB · Views: 63
You just saved Google a lot of work Al! ;)

Should have found the photo that actually involved a monkey though...
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