Turned 58 today! Eyes are a little less effective, hearing is gone by about 12%, but aside from taking some pills to keep one from developing the usual ailments, I feel pretty good for my age. By following the advice on this forum, I've managed to not only gain good advice, but at least have a goal in mind to pursue so I can gradually ease into an earlier retirement faster than I expected. I think I have managed to convice my wife that we need to downsize our life, which includes moving to an area that is cheaper on taxes, getting rid of the house that is too big for us since the kids left, spending on items that we "need" and not the ones that we just "want". And, the more that we can save now, the better off we will be once the time comes that we do retire. My wife is 6 years younger than I, but I have to reason with her sometimes that what we save now will benefit her also if something should happen to me. I was going to wait until 59 1/2 to sell the house, but as I understand by a couple of posters that I could do this before that age? Irregardless, the home will still gain equity, but not as much as an extra $500 per month put in investments will.
I was planning on moving to Delaware state but the wife did not like the idea of moving away from the kids & grandkids - about 6 hours away from here. For now, thats not an option.
I really don't mind working at my job and probably be here til I do retire, but when I hear about people on this board going boating, fishing, golfing and traveling - it hits a nerve somewhat! Luckily I do have a large window to gaze out!
Bad weather outside this time of year makes it bearable to dreaming about all you lucky retirees out basking in the sun.