Dreaming of a White Christmas?

Heh, heh, my last major snow was the one I missed back on the frozen tundra of the midwest. We moved here just the day before a near paralyzing and rather unexpected snow storm. Now it's a major news story if Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa, or Haleakala receive snow. BUT we do get the Santa's sleigh reports with the weather. So there's that. I guess after more than a dozen years here, I can't say I really miss snow. I think maybe I have had enough for a life time but YMMV.
Back in the 1960s, my family lived in Hawaii. On Christmas Day, my mom and we kids could go to the beach. We actually set up the artificial tree and opened presents whenever my dad came home from Vietnam.
No need to dream here, we get the lake effect snows off the Great Lakes. Started snowing around sunset yesterday, now have about 10 inches on the ground as a general snow fall, forecasting the winds will be right for lake effect snow tonight, possibly another 10 inches. Time for me to attach the driveway again, the third time. I push the snow with a curved pusher over to the fall right lane of the 3 lane drive, then use the snow blower to lift and throw the snow onto the lawn.
45 degrees warm and windy Tuesday morning. People wearing shorts outside (yes, they do that here). By 1:00 a blizzard moved in; temperature fell to -1 overnight. 6" beautiful fluffy white snow, with bright sun and cold. Gorgeous pink and red sunrise this morning. A perfect MN Christmas scene!
We still have some snow on the ground from a few days ago but not enough to actually call it a "White Christmas". Had some flurries today but not enough to amount to anything. Most years we don't even get that.

What we have mostly this year is a minor flood. With a bit over 2" of rain yesterday and last night the one lane bridge about a half mile away is probably flooded, judging by the creek out back. (Handy rain gauge, that.) If it wasn't so doggone cold - 28° F - I'd put a set of floats on an R/C airplane and go flying where the road is closed.
It snowed here Christmas day about 5 years ago. We had an inch or two but it was gone by midday. This is Houston, Texas. Today, it was clear, sunny and 65 F.
Started snowing last night and we had flurries throughout the day, so it was a perfect white Christmas. It was about an inch or so of fluffy snow that caused no issues driving to my daughters house. Kind of puts a clean white cover on everything and spruces the area up real nice.

As for the snow in general, I’m not a fan but we generally don’t get that much. Plus, since retiring, I find dealing with snow way better. When you don’t have to dig out in order to get to work on time and you don’t have to drive in it, it’s a lot easier to handle. Now, when it snows, I shovel (snow blow) when I feel like it. And actually, since I don’t have many chores during the winter, I don’t mind it. Basically a winter exercise day. I’ll even shovel sometimes instead of using the machine so I can get a workout in.
I dread snow. We have just had a dusting so far this winter. We have much more on the way this next week.
I moved from Michigan to avoid the dreaded white christmas.

Well not exactly. White Christmas to New Year would be nice. But that's not how it works.

But I can get it here with a 2 hour drive - :)
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