Dtail here - with details for the experts


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Jan 17, 2018
Dtail here. Lurker since last March. I am impressed by the thoroughness of information by the posters and willingness to share this information. Here are some details for you.
After 34 years of a relatively high paying stressful career, I took a package at MegaCorp in 2016 for a full year salary and benefits. I could not find a similar or lower paying job.
Discovery of this site saved me from a psychological financial perspective.
Thus, I retired Aug 2017 and moved from HCOL to MCOL area in Florida.

I am 57 and my girlfriend(DGF)is 56. My brother(DB)is 59 and lives with us. 5 children between us. DGF is also retired and receives SSDI due to multiple back surgeries, but functions okay on a daily basis. DB is also retired and his numbers are NOT included in the below information.

NW 1.85m (expensive divorce affected this number)
Investible Assets 1.75m
Tax Deferred 1.46m. Roth 40k. Cash 245k. Did not previously think about proper retirement mix…..
AA currently is 46/40/14, with eventual 50/40/10. The bonds and cash mix can change further.
Stable Value is currently at 3.45% and represents 50% of the bond AA.
All stocks/bonds(ex SV) are invested in low cost(6bps avg.) index funds at Fidelity.

Misc - 30k guaranteed in 2018,2019,2020 and 12.5k in 2021.
SSDI – 25k current for DGF.
SS – 24k for me at 62 as per SS site estimate.
Brother – pays 13k for rent which is COLA to future rent increases.

Budget – 108k (expressed in 2018 terms). Been tracking daily since 2014 in 21 categories. The levels only have minor padded expenses. No debt. Maximize CC (rewards)within BofA.
Non-Discretionary/Discretionary – 79k/29k
Rent/Food/Medical/Taxes/Travel – represent 70k
Lumpy Exp – funded monthly
Cash – will be used to supplement withdrawals in first few years; otherwise for large exp like car purchase, etc.
Medical - budget is 15k. ACA silver plan coverage. Expected 2018 is 7k. 2017 exp was 6k.

Have used Firecalc/Fidelity/I-ORP/FRP/Market Watch/******** (sorry about that lol).
All gave 100% (where applicable) and avg. max spend of 119k.
WR is a composite 2.72% with 1st 10 yrs at 2.76%. The calculation uses numbers expressed in 2018 terms i.e. not a spreadsheet factoring in expected portfolio growth/inflationary expenses.

Inheritance – expecting 500k-600k. Not factored in any calculation, but could be used in part to self-fund LTC. I oversee my parents’ portfolio, which has low market exposure and no LTC exposure.
Brother – has a minor form of Aspergers. Mainly independent and is fully FI with room to spare.
Cars – 2 paid off cars 52k/27k miles w/ total 10k yearly usage. Intend to use to 150k miles.
DGF and my inheritances are to each other with pass down details to children.

Totally enjoying retirement and don't ever wish to work again.

Sorry for the long post, but am detailed (Dtail). Would love to hear any thoughts/opinions on the above information.
Welcome to the Early Retirement Forum!

Thus, I retired Aug 2017 and moved from HCOL to MCOL area in Florida.
Congratulations on your recent retirement! I hope you are enjoying retired life. It gets better and better the longer one is retired, or at least it did for me.

Moving to a lower COL area is a great idea (for many of us), although few seem to actually DO it. My boyfriend and I planned to move to an area with a lower COL (southern Missouri), but we chickened out and decided to stay put here in New Orleans.

NW 1.85m (expensive divorce affected this number)
Believe me, some of us have "been there done that" and can sympathize. In my case, the divorce wasn't as expensive as my 23 years of marriage to a handsome, charming, very likeable man with a contagious smile who drank a bit too much and just didn't happen to be especially frugal. But hey, it was my choice. I ended up with essentially nothing after our divorce but oh well. Somehow I managed to get where I wanted to be financially but it wasn't easy.
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Thanks W2R. The ex and I are still cordial and involved together concerning the children. A few/bunch of us could probably state "what ifs" as to our financial situation being better, but overall it works for me to keep moving forward with so many possibilities of life's enjoyment.
Thanks flintnational for your kind words.
Welcome to the forum, Dtail. Looks like you're in a good position.
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