Ending balance is it in actual dollars or inflated dollars, here's why a I ask.


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Oct 3, 2019
I'm attempting to analyze percentage of ending balances in each million dollar increment.
I used $1M and $40k withdrawal, Firecalc says I have 6 failures. But the spread sheet says I have 5 failures in actual dollars and 6 failures if I look at the after inflation dollars. So, I'm confused;
Does the graph show ending balances in real dollars or after inflation dollars?

I'm not good with Excel, But I'll attempt to slog through to find the formulas to give me a breakout of how many times the ending balance is between $0 to $500k, $500k to $1M, $1M to $2M, $2M to $3M etc. But, if some one is good with math and Excel and would give me the formula to sort a column into the categories I listed above I would appreciate it.
I'm not good with Excel, But I'll attempt to slog through to find the formulas to give me a breakout of how many times the ending balance is between $0 to $500k, $500k to $1M, $1M to $2M, $2M to $3M etc. But, if some one is good with math and Excel and would give me the formula to sort a column into the categories I listed above I would appreciate it.

I think you want to create a histogram. There is not exactly a "formula," but here is a step-by-step on creating one: How to Create a Histogram in Excel [Step by Step Guide]
You can do a vlookup formula referencing another table with the dollar amount categories you desire.
I might be able to follow directions for the histogram, but I don't know what a vlookup is.
The step be step guide has a name where I want any number that have a value between 1 and 1,000,000 and a value between 1,000,001 and 2,000,000 and 2,000,001 and 3,000,000, I don't know how to enter that formula.

By "Name," do you mean the first column in the example with "David, Jess, Caroline"? If so, the example is dealing with the second column "Score." In your case, you should select the column with the ending values.

Excel will choose bin sizes automatically, so they may not be the "between 1 and 1,000,000 and a value between 1,000,001 and 2,000,000 and 2,000,001 and 3,000,000" that you want. However, in the example, they show you how to format the x-axis of the histogram to customize the bin sizes. I must confess, however, that my version of Excel (Mac) looks different, and I cannot figure out how to adjust those sizes.
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