Enjoying the landscape

Wow. I got vertigo watching!
That was an effective use of a drone! Where were you for that sequence?

Utah is amazing. We probably will return to spend more time there in the future--a month was good, but far from exhausting the possibilities.
Same with me.
However, beautiful photography
Beautiful, but my semi fear of heights would overcome me.
We're not afraid of heights. We're afraid of falling.
That's so true! Frank reminds me of that whenever I mention my fear of heights. I have zero problems flying in an airplane, because there is no way I could fall out of that itty bitty airplane window, I trust the pilot not to crash the plane, and I trust the plane not to disintegrate in flight.

But standing on that rock like Dr.Roy? No way!!! With my luck I'd probably trip and fall or a gust of wind would blow me off the rock. Or I'd have a TIA and lose my balance. Eek. :eek:
Ha ha yes.
I tried to logically convince myself of ridding of the fear, but just can't do it totally.
Yes but it's not entirely bad. I actually used this terror to my advantage once.

Here's the story... Back in the last century, the only available room for my public doctoral dissertation defense was on the 10th floor, corner room, with both exterior walls consisting of floor to ceiling windows, no rails or protections. The speaker's podium was set up about 6 feet from those floor to ceiling windows on the right side of me, and about 25 feet from the floor to ceiling windows in front of me. Just standing at the podium terrified me!

But that terror kept me mentally alert to an unusual extent, which allowed me to give some kick-a** answers to questions posed of me by the 50-100 attendees that attended the public part of my defense, and by my doctoral committee during the private portion of my defense that followed immediately after the public filed out. Probably like drinking 20 gallons of coffee right before the defense. I knew I was flying *that* plane solo and it was exhilarating.

Worked out quite well for me. :) But I'll never go into that room again! :ROFLMAO:
Did somebody say Utah?:D:D:D:D
We're not afraid of heights. We're afraid of falling.
Funny. I saw this somewhere else earlier this week. The speaker said ‘we’re not afraid of heights, we’re afraid of falling from a high place and being seriously injured or killed; and it’s a very rational feeling’.
I like the drone footage. But no way I could walk out on that promontory. When skydiving, I used to step out of a Cessna and hold the wing strut while standing on a step above the wheel - no problem at all. Zip lines - no problem. Bungie jumping from a bridge - no problem. Put me on an edge with no safety harness or parachute and my legs start trembling.
Wow!!! - I’m so impressed with video footage I see from drones!

The other day I told DH that we could use one to inspect our gutters!

That looked like a stark and scary place to me! I’m not bothered by heights, but I don’t think I would hike out along that narrow ridge.
That is an awesome experience and excellent work once again. Your photography in second to none.
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