Everybody put down your guns...


Early-Retirement.org Founder, Developer of FIRECal
Jun 23, 2002
Looks like we have been in multiple shouting matchs a bit lately.

Please, folks, don't post huge copy/paste articles from other sites (especially when they are copyrighted articles), just link them. And maybe only do that if there is some possible vague relevance? And if it starts to turn into a shouting match, then it probably shouldn't have been here in the first place. Only topics started or joined by ***** were usually both E-R related and apparently worthy of heated emotion. Let's let him retain the honor of being the only person ever blocked from here!

I have no interest in blocking anything (although some occasional posts do make me question my commitment to free speech...), but at the same time, it was never my intent to host a political free-for-all.

There are the occasional new visitors/members who come to chat and/or learn something about E-R -- imagine that; I suspect at this point more of these newbies don't bother coming back than bookmark the forum.
Maybe a new catagory could be started - Politics and Religion - things your mother told you never to discuss in polite company. You could make it self maintaining by having all posts automatical deleting themselves after 24/48 hours - plenty of time to blow off steam, and then hopefully forgotton.
Sure beats the finer points 36 month rolling asset correlations, expected growth numbers for selected asset classes vs the Gordon equation or dividend discount model.

Now that would be contoversial.

Heh, heh, heh.
dory36 said:
Looks like we have been in multiple shouting matchs a bit lately.


There are the occasional new visitors/members who come to chat and/or learn something about E-R -- imagine that; I suspect at this point more of these newbies don't bother coming back than bookmark the forum.

I really wonder if I would have stayed and become a member here if the Cr@p that is going on now was happening when I joined.

I believe this is not the place for juvenile insults such as have been seen lately. They are not even humorous. A thread starting with numbnuts? How pathetic. That is just one example.

Dory36 has provided a valuable resource for those already retired and those planning retirement. I do not wish to see it ruined.

Insults and name calling are after all the first refuge of the incompetent.

I agree with you, Dory36. Thanks for saying something about it.

Oh, this board is about early retirement? :) Some other sites, have an option to ignore a specific poster. I dont know if I found if you can do that here. Maybe add an auto. screener for Trolls?
Some of you may be surprised that I agree with Dory also. It's
almost always tough to achieve any balance in this sort of venue.
I can handle about any form of verbal expression and a couple of
posts even made me wince. However, unless it's repeated,
lengthy abusive and obvious trolling, I prefer the "free speech-
let it flow" approach. Sure there is a danger of losing some
members and/or getting away from the original intent.
Censorship is worse IMHO.

I consider this site the equivalent to a virtual cafe/bar, where the gang gets together to shoot the sh*t breeze over a cup of joe/schooner of beer. No topic is off limits, but with freedom comes the responsibility to be somewhat civil. Plus, after about nine pages or so, I consider the topic cussed and discussed, ad nauseum...

Have Funds said:
I consider this site the equivalent to a virtual cafe/bar, where the gang gets together to shoot the sh*t breeze over a cup of joe/schooner of beer. No topic is off limits, but with freedom comes the responsibility to be somewhat civil. Plus, after about nine pages or so, I consider the topic cussed and discussed, ad nauseum...

An interesting sidebar is that these threads that many people claim to hate are always the most popular, in the sense of # of posts and pages. I haven't read it, so I can't say if it was all one or two people, or if many participated.

I do think it is an underrated topic. One that will turn out to be very important for America. I just don't think I will personally gain much from hearing what a bunch of people who do little research and already have their minds made up anyway have to say about it.

But since I have the self control to read something or not, I do not personally feel the need for censhorship. (Unless there is invective directed at posters than goes well  beyond the usual level here.)


Those who pass muster with Dory - get special internet ray guns.

Pssst - it's supposed to be a secret - don't blab.
I concur with Dory. Disagree with a person's ideas, but don't call them names. It's like arguing with your spouse. You don't (shouldn't) say: "I hate you." You might say: "I hate what you have done, and here's why." If name-calling continues, the forum will suffer; and it's a great forum with lots of sharp people, right now.

Actually I did kinda like some of the shots, since I wasn't in the line of fire. :LOL:
Are you sure:confused:

Beware the mighty internet ray gun! Sometimes you have been shot and don't know it until too late.

Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh,heh.
() said:
Unclemick...how do you decide exactly how many 'heh's to append to or precursor a post? ;)
The calculation of the correct number of 'heh's" is straight forward. Use the Landau formual and semi-log graph. But unclemick can do the whole calculation with a number 2 pencil and graph paper. :D :D :D
heh :D, heh :D, heh :D

not unclemick.
Heh, heh, heh

A rude, crude approximation of a certain poster's B.S. meter at moment of posting - is a less numerical - aka Zen like touchy feely measure. Perhaps:confused:

heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.
I'm with you Dory. Who would'nt be? In matters of format and content the host rules. This isn't the Supreme Court its the Internet. Free speech can easily be tinkered with.

Beware or begone.

BUM said:
I'm with you Dory. Who would'nt be? In matters of format and content the host rules.  This isn't the Supreme Court its the Internet. Free speech can easily be tinkered with. 

Beware or begone.


Yep, they are "tinkering" with free speech every day it seems.

Ok - soooo - someone blab.

The secret address you mail your required number of recyled dryer sheets to - to get your very own internet ray gun.

It's even better than the 'Captain Midnight' secret decoder ring of my youth.

BTY - my lips are sealed until I hit 90. Sort of like that 'other guy' - "Follow the money."

heh, heh, heh, heh, heh.
i agree .. I left the site for a while because i was told sizzers were at the life line
of a begining birth instead the cord for feeding

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