I will have taken everything I want/need before dropping the bomb.
- If you rate it, get a complete medical & dental checkup. Get those annual blood tests (cholesterol, PSA, whatever gender-specific details you monitor). Get a good dental cleaning and check for cracked fillings or other handiwork. Decide whether you have any work-related injuries or allergies or disabilites and what action you want to take.
- Pack out all personal belongings. Replace your desktop stuff with old coffee cups, old pencils, etc and keep the good stuff at home.
- Buy whatever discounted merchandise you really want to take with you. That includes company t-shirts, logo golf balls, wall art, matching 401(k) contributions, after-tax contributions, discount stock purchases, or accelerated options. (Hey, maybe this all applies to you!)
- Max out any other unused employee benefits while you're still an employee who can benefit.
- See if any co-workers or subordinates need performance reviews or recommendation letters or other favors from you. It carries more weight when they say "I am" rather than "I useta be".
- Lunch out with your friends once or twice and place mental bets on who's gonna stay in touch with you.
- Try to think of it as "gaining altitude" instead of "carpet bombing". Write a nice letter, give the required notice, stay smiling, polite, & professional. Save the high explosive for the supplemental exit-interview letter that you'll mail a month after your departure. (Chance are you'll discover it's not worth mailing anyway.)
- Unless you're an extrovert, pass up the farewell party. It's probably not one of your top-10 favorite activities anyway.
- Endeavor to leave in such a low-profile manner that a couple weeks later one of your co-workers says "Hey, where's Brewer? Is he still on vacation or out sick?"