Failed Login Notification


Thinks s/he gets paid by the post
Feb 17, 2007
I got a message from that someone had tried to login to my account on Christmas Eve, but that you had blocked the access. Thank you for doing that.

The message also contained the IP address of the "hacker." My question is what do you do with the IP address info? Do you follow up on it? My research on the IP address shows it to be a Tor Exit Router.

-- Rita
Rita, since fewer people are available to deal with this today, I suggest you go to the bottom of the screen and leave a message thru the Contact Us link.

Obviously that sounds like someone was trying to hack into your account. It appears that the person is at least hacker savvy enough to use Tor (which I just learned about) to cover their tracks. I don't know why they would want to try and get into your account here since we don't keep any sensitive information but maybe you know someone or why? I'd simply make sure you have a strong password, more then 8 characters with letters, numbers and some special characters. That should be plenty to keep someone out along with our login strike system and notification should keep your account plenty safe.
IIRC we had an incident a number of years ago where Az or OAP tried to hack into CFB's account. It's possible that there's still something in the moderator archives.

Rita, I'm not trying to imply that you've done something to merit the attention that used to be directed at CFB. You might just be the first convenient target to have noticed.

Obviously that sounds like someone was trying to hack into your account. It appears that the person is at least hacker savvy enough to use Tor (which I just learned about) to cover their tracks. I don't know why they would want to try and get into your account here since we don't keep any sensitive information but maybe you know someone or why? I'd simply make sure you have a strong password, more then 8 characters with letters, numbers and some special characters. That should be plenty to keep someone out along with our login strike system and notification should keep your account plenty safe.
Thanks, Andy. The password is strong, I was just wondering if you follow up.

Nords, I suspect the hacker was googling and saw a posting with my screen name on it. But, a strong password and good security controls seems to have stopped him/her.

Wow, that is freaky. Thanks for letting us know about it, and thanks to Andy for being on this while the rest of us are resting on our holiday moderator laurels. :)
Hope this is an isolated incident!
Wow! When a hacker would try to get into someone's forum account with no financial sensitive information, that is really freaky. When even one's virtual single dimple - not even two - is not safe, OMG, what has this world become?
What! You think they're trying to hack my account to steal my dimple? Why, that's worse than being a dirty market timer. That's dimple robbery!!


-- Rita

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