Me too. Never knew this existed. IF they could lower the price. I think many folks would buy one.Here's an option for falls, but would you wear it, there may be others available? All day every day? Wearable Anti-fall Airbag Vest to protect elderly from hip fracture.
Where we live there are probably 4 Urgent Care's within a couple blocks. Our preferred hospital also has a Step In clinic where you can see a doctor quickly but they're only open during business hours.
Another thought is when you go to an Emergency Dept is to call an ambulance. It seems patients are admitted quicker when they arrive in an ambulance.
About 10 years ago while taking our granddaughter to the zoo I turned around and took a step. There was a rock about 2 foot in diameter and a foot tall on the sidewalk. It was a "feature". I fell face forward and face planted. My Rx sunglasses with bifocals protected my face from severe scratches. Tried catching myself with my arms but it happened too quickly. Sunglasses were ruined and I was scratched up on my arms and face but was lucky. So in my case it was the bifocals that prevented me from seeing the rock.
Or children of elderly parents would buy one or two.