I seem to see more and more articles on how we loose financial "smarts" as we age.
This article suggests it is even more pronounced and widespread than I had wanted to believe--1.5% degradation every year after 60--regardless of gender or background.
The scary switch that happens to investors over age 60
Check out the survey questionnaire they used link in the article--seems pretty straightforward to me and I am 68.
Unfortunately, the full study while linked in the article is behind a pay-wall.
Anyone else noticed degradation?
This article suggests it is even more pronounced and widespread than I had wanted to believe--1.5% degradation every year after 60--regardless of gender or background.
The scary switch that happens to investors over age 60
Check out the survey questionnaire they used link in the article--seems pretty straightforward to me and I am 68.
Unfortunately, the full study while linked in the article is behind a pay-wall.
Anyone else noticed degradation?