There is also the option of going part time, but at something you enjoy much more. You may not be able get the health care benefit (fun things usually don't cover insurance), but you will get money to put towards purchasing insurance on your own. I have been giving a great deal of thought to jobs that may bring in that extra $5-15K a year, but are part time or seasonal and more importantly something that wouldn't be high stress and actually might be pleasurable. It wouldn't be official FIRE, but it's also a far cry from being a wage slave. Especially if you can squeeze by without the extra income if need be.
Looking at it another way, a part time job that brings in $5K a year (disregarding taxes), is equivalent to an investment of $125K returning 4%. Making $10K a year part time is like adding $250K to your funds. Of course it still is work no matter how you slice it. Still, worth considering.
One more perspective that I am thinking about is that it might make the plunge into full blown FIRE a little easier to take. You get to cut the ties with the big official career, but you still have a little bit of a safety net if you need it.
Here are some part time work ideas that SG offered me on another forum (I have added a few of my own as well)...
Work in community service
Run for local election (school board, zoning board, town council, etc.)
Work at the polls as part of the Election Board
Work taking tickets or as part of security at a local event
Work for your local Irrigation Board
Start a small business
Start a community Newsletter
Buy a suitable property and build a hotel/apartment or store
Collect and sell antiques
Head a small non-profit organization
Be an author
Write a book
Write articles for your local newspaper
Be an artist
Learn woodworking or metal working and create sculpture
Play an instrument in a band
Invent a device and obtain a patent
Solve a company’s current technical or manufacturing problem
Serve as an interim executive
Become a substitute teacher in nearby school districts
Teach courses at local colleges or junior colleges
Develop short courses in your field of expertise
Be a Tax Preparer
Be a real estate agent
Be a landlord
Take a job in a local store (plus get the employee discount)
Become a clothing store salesperson
Sell power tools
Sell sporting or recreational goods
Work in a home improvement outlet
Take up a trade skill
Build custom cabinets
Become a handyman
Work at a Tennis Center
Become a tour guide/leader (hiking, cycling, fishing, climbing, etc)
Work at a museum or gallery
Usher at the perfomance center
Home inspector
Fix computer problems in the neighborhood
Web page designer
Seasonal work at a national park
Also from SG:
Another article:
Americans choosing work after retirement
And some more job ideas:
Ten hot jobs for today's retirees