Full time employment: Posting here.
Hello all,
I have posted a few videos from this gentleman that recently started showing in my youtube feed. I think he has provided some good things to think about for retirement planning. Maybe not new stuff to long time members who have more planning experience than peeps like me. Always hoping people take a little bit of time to watch the videos but if you don't that is OK too.
In this video he discusses the good and bad he sees in Firecalc. He is overall positive about it but does points out some reasons it should probably not be your only tool as we probably already know. As someone looking for your business he does subtly remind you people may not be properly prepared to handle a large downturn in the market and shares some reasons why. Again not ground breaking stuff but things to think about.
His video description on youtube. The FIRECalc retirement planning tool is a great resource for investors trying to determine the amount of money they need to retire. This simple tool has some good features. There are also some pitfalls you need to be aware of.
Hoping some get something out of it and your feedback is always appreciated.
I have posted a few videos from this gentleman that recently started showing in my youtube feed. I think he has provided some good things to think about for retirement planning. Maybe not new stuff to long time members who have more planning experience than peeps like me. Always hoping people take a little bit of time to watch the videos but if you don't that is OK too.
In this video he discusses the good and bad he sees in Firecalc. He is overall positive about it but does points out some reasons it should probably not be your only tool as we probably already know. As someone looking for your business he does subtly remind you people may not be properly prepared to handle a large downturn in the market and shares some reasons why. Again not ground breaking stuff but things to think about.
His video description on youtube. The FIRECalc retirement planning tool is a great resource for investors trying to determine the amount of money they need to retire. This simple tool has some good features. There are also some pitfalls you need to be aware of.
Hoping some get something out of it and your feedback is always appreciated.