Minor updates I would like to see:
1. Reset the default to $40,000 spend, $1,000,000 portfolio
2. Update the poverty levels for the percent portfolio spending graphs
3. Change the default expense ratio to say 0.10% to better reflect the current market
4. Add the lowest spending amount to the text on the variable spending output.
A nice moderate update would be to rework/update the "Mixed portfolio" categories and add foreign stocks.
I'm sure the members here can generate an extensive wish list of updates, some easy and many hard.
Good luck and thank you for hosting FIRECalc.
Good consolidated bug list. I would hope the admins here would have been keeping one.
I bolded the 'wish list' that to me is an obvious improvement (I manually do it almost every time, as the results convert to % with just a decimal shift). This must be a very, very simple update to the current FIRECalc, no programmatic/logic changes, just a variable set/definition somewhere in the code. It would be nice to get this one as a New Year's gift. While I don't have credentials as a programmer, I have enough experience to know this is a very minor and uncomplicated change.
Along these lines, one option I always liked to see in a calculator of this type is the option to NOT re-balance. Just set and forget.
Yes, that is handy, just to see if it has any big effect or not (usually bot, sometimes negative). However, I'd still want the option to make the withdrawal such that it helps to get back to target AA, if it has got out of balance. And ladies and gentlemen, there's our first 'feature creep'.
I'd also like to see a complete revamp of the results graph. The squiggly lines jumbled together just don't convey enough info. I'll PM Andy about this.
And while I have no credentials in UI/UX, I (along with most of us) certainly know bad UI/UX when we see it, and given a clean slate, I can also envision how things should be for ease of use/clarity. So I'd be willing to help in that regard, and as an alpha/beta tester, but...
To be frank, we've been down this road before. You were working with us to do a revamp the interface some years ago, as a prelude ti updating the code, and the project just got dropped after a fair amount of input from us. So excuse me if I'm a bit skeptical that this will get enough attention and priority that I should bother with it.
Andy, I'll PM you about some other things that I can't share with the others here.