For the military folks


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Mar 6, 2003
Long story short, when young, single soldiers come home from a deployment, they frequently have a large reserve of unspent cash.
This means that you soon have a bunch of young men, with more money than common sense, released into the local economy.
Which just naturally enough leads to my roommate and me, standing in a novelty shop, discovering that there is such a thing as an Inflatable Sheep.
And we thought about the upcoming inspection.
And we looked at the display of inflatable sheep.
So of course we purchased a small pile of these.
That Friday we had another inspection. Our Sgt Major entered the room, looked at our new flock, muttered a quiet “Oh hell no” did an about face, and walked out. Inspection over."

Baaaah humbug.
I was laughing so hard I drew a crowd here in the office! The civilians just did not think it was as funny! LMAO!!!
Brewer, where do you come up with this stuff... :D

"We pulled this routine over several inspections, eventually adding costume pieces to several. I had a Catholic Priest sheep, and my roommate was on his way to getting a full set of Village People Sheep. We’d arrange them differently for each inspection.

The strange thing was that for most of this time our chain of command refused to acknowledge that they were there. They’d spend the entire inspection trying to ignore them and keep a straight face, give us whatever comments our room needed, and then leave.

It turns out that in military circles, having a room full of inflatable sheep is practically a superpower."

Baaaah humbug.
Skippy is one of the world's heroes to my nephew the Army Ranger.

The best & brightest are also the ones who lead their shipmates straight to the most trouble...
"Eventually one officer broke down halfway through the inspection and asked, “Why do you have so many inflatable sheep in your room?”. I love this question because it implies that the strange part is the amount of rubber sheep."

I thought this was really funny in the list also.

201. Must not valiantly push officers onto hand grenades to save the squad.
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