Here is the latest e-mail from the employer.
"Good morning,
Several people have asked questions about the types of community service activities that would qualify for CRA credit. Here is a sample list of organizations to contact when seeking CRA credit. This is only a sample list and you are certainly not bound by what I have suggested. Please feel free to ask me about any other organizations that might interest you. As I stated in our training session last month,
remember the key to CRA credit through community service is the activity must benefit low/moderate income individuals. Working with animals, for example, would not qualify. Make sure all of your activity is documented.
You can contact any of these organizations:
· Your local food pantry (There's almost one in every town/suburb)
· Homeless Shelters
· Women & Children Shelters
· Red Cross
· Salvation Army
· Restoration Ministries (headquartered in South Holland, they have over 40 programs to choose from)
· PADS (Rotating homeless shelter--moves around from church to church in local communities)
Volunteer Solutions Helping volunteers meet the nonprofits that need their help (a Volunteer Matching Application that helps connect individuals to volunteer opportunities in their community)
· Crisis Center for South Suburbia (provides a number of services including emergency shelter, transitional housing, a 24-hour crisis hotline, counseling, court and hospital advocacy, and community education.
· Northwest Indiana Community Action Corp. (assists low-income, elderly and disabled families to maintain independence and self-sufficiency)
· Meals On Wheels Of Northwest Indiana, Inc. (or Illinois)
With the holiday season approaching, volunteers are needed at greater levels so now would be a good time to get involved if you aren't already.
Thank you,"