Form Good Habits, Break Bad Habits


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Aug 5, 2011
West of the Mississippi
Peter Attia’s latest bulletin has some suggestions for how to form good habits and how to break bad habits. They make sense to me so .

Your health goals are probably easy to articulate, but your “system” – the collection of habits that you regularly follow — is what will ultimately determine whether you reach them. As James explained on the podcast, a large amount of our behavior (40-50%) is automatic and habitual, and we are building habits all the time whether we are consciously aware of it or not.
I actually heard James Clear's methods of implementing good habits (in conjunction with New Year's resolutions) recommended at the end of a financial podcast a few days ago. I did not hear his Mr. Clears name at the time as I was drifting off to sleep, but intended to go back and re-listen to that part of the podcast to track him down - and bingo - same gentleman. The linked article is good too, and I will listen to the podcast.

This is a quick link to the video on youtube.

It is 2 1/2 hours, so beware. The points are summarized in the article linked by Chuckanut, which IMHO, is worth the read.
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I bought this book a couple of years ago, and by happenstance started to read it last week. It is excellent.
Peter Attia’s latest bulletin has some suggestions for how to form good habits and how to break bad habits. They make sense to me so .

Attia is SO SHARP! Atomic Habits is a super book I’ve had for years, loaning to many!
James Clear's "Atomic Habits" book was recommended to me by a friend who was integrating the principles into his daily routine. I now see him walking daily for at least an hour and his "recreational liquid consumption" has also changed. He has made progress on the weight he had to give, and he attributes what he learned from that book to his progress :)

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