Forum Ads


Recycles dryer sheets
Jun 10, 2012
Central Ga
Not sure if this is new or if everyone is seeing it or not, but - Why are some of the ads on the Forum in Chinese (could be Japanese)?
Ads are "served" based on a number of variables (location, surfing habits, keywords on a page, etc) and so we don't all see the same thing. Sometimes the electronic brain that decides what ads to serve goofs and we see ads intended for another location. Just ignore them... unless you are especially interested into offering ;)
I have seen them. It appears on the banner. Sometimes, a screen refresh will correct it to show the proper image.
The ads are always mysterious. I just got a Laura Ashley for kids ad. But they pay the server bills, right?
It has to do with your default encoding settings, which are under View. I think you have to change it to Unicode (UTF-8). There's also an issue with Languages, which is under Tools - Options - General. I think you have to set your Language to English/United States [en-us]. It's a problem that seems to pop up under pretty much any browser. I sort of like it, so I never bothered to check my settings. It's more fun than actually looking at the ads.

I was just playing around with the encoding settings, and discovered they can be set to different settings in different tabs. I think they are set by the webpage. I'm not currently having the problem (new laptop) so I can't really test it. But that's what worked before my old laptop bought the farm.
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I understand the purpose of the ads and they really do not bother me. It just confused me when they were in Chinese. Somebody's marketing algorithms need to be adjusted if they think I can read Chinese... (LOL)... Question Dropped...
This is too funny. Yesterday at a different forum there was a discussion about a zombie mannequin used for target practice. It looks like The Walking Dead zombies with blood and gore around the mouth, bright and graphic.

So a while later I came here, and there was that very colorful zombie off to the right! It really caught my eye due to the bright colors. It took a second for this to register but obviously "it" knew I had been to the website where they sell the zombies and put the ad here.

Kinda scary how we are tracked and marketed to but not as scary as those zombies. :facepalm:
Funny. I see ads in Russian about some kind of on-line game that involves tanks and in Azerbaijani about currency trading (they are always looking for suckers here).

I am in Baku, using a local internet provider. I see the ads when I don't log in and just lurk.

I hope these turkeys are paying for the forum.
Some ads can follow you based on your cookies and previous searches. Amazon will display ads with items from my wish list. Right now I am seeing La Quinta ads since I had just checked my point balance.
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