Friday "Bloodbath"

I sold some GE Jan 20 puts for 2.50 last week. If GE is above 20 in Jan I keep $250 per put and the trade is closed. If GE isnt above 20, then I have to buy it for $20 but when I account for the put premium, Im buying it for $17.50. This seems like an incredible deal to me.
What do people think about GE, with a 6.5% yield?

One of the trading experts said on CNBC before the market opened this morning that you might try putting in orders for a $20 stock at $12, $10, $8.

He wasn't talking about GE per se but this was when there was talk about the market going down 1000 points and trading being halted.

the way i see it, GE will probably hit the $15-$16 range before it turns around

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