So your may know I have a fun job conducting tours. As the business has grown and evolved the owner is backing out of doing tours to meet other demands and has asked me for availability several months out before advertising on booking sites. This ties me up on dates that I offer to be available without any guarantee I'll work (probably about 25% will be booked as close to 12hrs prior) and I'm not happy with that dynamic. I do not like making plans contingent on not getting booked and it limits possible travel. I very much enjoy doing the tours but don't want to go on an on-call emergency basis (I won't get many and enjoy doing them and feel I give better tours when I'm not "rusty"). In an ideal world (not practical as they need to run a business and have consistency) I'd be able to list my own tours and manage the schedule so that if I wanted a day off I'd just remove that tour option and have full flexibility -basically running my own business and closing any time I don't want to work. My leaving would cause them some pain as I am good, motivated, and (too!) flexible. Bottom line is I want to avoid blocking time that won't be executed -being compensated for the "option" on my time is not feasible (new/growing small business with tight cash flow) and not desirable by me as it's a freedom thing and not a money thing. I'm curious if the collective wisdom here has any ideas as I'd like to offer a solution that allows me to keep doing something I enjoy rather than eventually quitting as I don't fit their needs anymore.