Getting rid of WEP and GPO?

I paid 7% into the CSRS pension fund for 34 years. The rest of my working life, I paid into SS. Due to the WEP, my CSRS pension wipes out the SS that would otherwise be due to me. The GPO also prevents me from getting a spousal SS survivor benefit, should I ever remarry. I don't see why this is especially fair. Particularly since SS is treated favorably for tax purposes, whereas my pension is fully taxed as ordinary income.

Anyway, I doubt the new law will change anything for me. It would be too expensive, and the Treasury is in trouble as it is. And I'm unlikely to remarry. They don't make 'em like Mr. A. any more.
I believe under the new law, you can now apply for a survivor benefit, which I think is the full amount of the spouse's PIA? Or a divorced spouse benefit if that was the situation, or on your own record. I believe they pay whichever is the most benefit. Worth checking into in my opinion.
I believe under the new law, you can now apply for a survivor benefit, which I think is the full amount of the spouse's PIA? Or a divorced spouse benefit if that was the situation, or on your own record. I believe they pay whichever is the most benefit. Worth checking into in my opinion.
Also, adding to my prior comment, a person can remarry after 60 and keep their survivor's social security on their prior spouse. Or draw off the new spouse upon meeting regulations.
I paid 7% into the CSRS pension fund for 34 years. The rest of my working life, I paid into SS. Due to the WEP, my CSRS pension wipes out the SS that would otherwise be due to me. The GPO also prevents me from getting a spousal SS survivor benefit, should I ever remarry. I don't see why this is especially fair. Particularly since SS is treated favorably for tax purposes, whereas my pension is fully taxed as ordinary income.

Anyway, I doubt the new law will change anything for me. It would be too expensive, and the Treasury is in trouble as it is. And I'm unlikely to remarry. They don't make 'em like Mr. A. any more.
You definitely need to file for survivor's social security benefits. Also, if you have 40 quarters of coverage, and you have not filed for retirement benefits, you need to file for it also.
Next to Final Update!

OK. I'm not sure who asked what with in all of the previous threads so I'll just try and respond to as many comments as I can remember.

I applied for spousal benefits on January 6th after the bill was signed and became law. I had never applied for benefits before and was implacted by the GPO. After getting my application transferred to my local office from the Richmond, CA office, I spoke to the local rep who subsequently scheduled an appointment for a few days after we spoke. She informed me that I needed to submit a copy of our marriage license to be included along with my application for processing. At that point in time, I was listed as being at Step 2 of 3 in the application process.

During the appointment, she indicated that SS needed the marriage license because we were married in the US. If we were married in another country, there is a different list of requirements that we would have to meet in order to verify our marriage.

Earlier, someone had mentioned that they thought that my DW's PIA, upon which spousal support benefit calculations are based, was impacted by the COLA increases that had occurred throughout the years that she had been receiving her own retirement benefits. I did NOT think that was correct. I am proud to report that I was WRONG! The PIA is impacted by benefit COLAs. As a result, my spousal benefit will be larger than I had initially calculated. Yay!

My application has now been forwarded to the SS payment center for final processing. Because the "system" is still being updated to process applications under the provisions of the new law, my benefit payment will probably need to be "manually" processed. However, it's likely that I will receive a benefit deposit in the month of February for benefits that I requested begin in January.

When I got home, I checked the SS website for the status of my application. The status section indicated that I had completed Step 3 of 3 and that the decision to APPROVE my application for spousal benefits had been made today! I should receive a written notice within 10-15 days. Hope everyone else has or is having a positive experience like this. Thank you to everyone out there who has shared their experiences!

Good Luck to Everyone!!!
Next to Final Update!

OK. I'm not sure who asked what with in all of the previous threads so I'll just try and respond to as many comments as I can remember.

I applied for spousal benefits on January 6th after the bill was signed and became law. I had never applied for benefits before and was implacted by the GPO. After getting my application transferred to my local office from the Richmond, CA office, I spoke to the local rep who subsequently scheduled an appointment for a few days after we spoke. She informed me that I needed to submit a copy of our marriage license to be included along with my application for processing. At that point in time, I was listed as being at Step 2 of 3 in the application process.

During the appointment, she indicated that SS needed the marriage license because we were married in the US. If we were married in another country, there is a different list of requirements that we would have to meet in order to verify our marriage.

Earlier, someone had mentioned that they thought that my DW's PIA, upon which spousal support benefit calculations are based, was impacted by the COLA increases that had occurred throughout the years that she had been receiving her own retirement benefits. I did NOT think that was correct. I am proud to report that I was WRONG! The PIA is impacted by benefit COLAs. As a result, my spousal benefit will be larger than I had initially calculated. Yay!

My application has now been forwarded to the SS payment center for final processing. Because the "system" is still being updated to process applications under the provisions of the new law, my benefit payment will probably need to be "manually" processed. However, it's likely that I will receive a benefit deposit in the month of February for benefits that I requested begin in January.

When I got home, I checked the SS website for the status of my application. The status section indicated that I had completed Step 3 of 3 and that the decision to APPROVE my application for spousal benefits had been made today! I should receive a written notice within 10-15 days. Hope everyone else has or is having a positive experience like this. Thank you to everyone out there who has shared their experiences!

Good Luck to Everyone!!!
Some crucial information is 1) did the worker ask the amount of your gov't pension during your interview? 2) Is the gov't pension high enough to totally preclude any spousal benefit before the new repeal law took place?

If yes to both answers, and the worker plugged in the amount as they appear to have been doing up until now, then the result might be the same as my case--I was "approved" on one day, and then when it updated it stated the next day I was approved, entitled, but "suspended" to $0.00 benefit amount due to the gov't pension.

I have not heard that SSA has implemented any new rules so please update here what your site shows tomorrow, and it should also show you in the next few days the letter being sent to you if you drill down to the benefit verification link. That way you shouldn't need to wait 10-15 days for a letter in the mail.

I wonder if she actually plugged in your pension amount? I wonder if you not asking for the retro 6 months as allowed for spousal benefits had an effect on the process?

If you really are being processed into pay immediately, I might contact SSA again to have them remove the pension data which would, or should, unsuspend and start a benefit? Supposedly this will be done via some method eventually?
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Some crucial information is 1) did the worker ask the amount of your gov't pension during your interview? 2) Is the gov't pension high enough to totally preclude any spousal benefit before the new repeal law took place?

If yes to both answers, and the worker plugged in the amount as they appear to have been doing up until now, then the result might be the same as my case--I was "approved" on one day, and then when it updated it stated the next day I was approved, entitled, but "suspended" to $0.00 benefit amount due to the gov't pension.

I have not heard that SSA has implemented any new rules so please update here what your site shows tomorrow, and it should also show you in the next few days the letter being sent to you if you drill down to the benefit verification link. That way you shouldn't need to wait 10-15 days for a letter in the mail.

I wonder if she actually plugged in your pension amount? I wonder if you not asking for the retro 6 months as allowed for spousal benefits had an effect on the process?

If you really are being processed into pay immediately, I might contact SSA again to have them remove the pension data which would, or should, unsuspend and start a benefit? Supposedly this will be done via some method eventually?
Answers: 1) No. 2) Yes.

I'm not sure, but I think you have to be at or past FRA when you apply inorder to qualify for retro pay (I'm not at FRA).

What was the date that you submitted your application? Have you reached FRA yet?

Given that the weekend is upon us and Monday is a holiday, I wouldn't be surprised if there's no further updates until Tuesday. I'll keep checking and let you know what I find out. Even though there may still be some unexpected hiccups in this process, I'm relatively confident that I'm seeing some "light" at the end of this tunnel. But as the saying goes, "It ain't over til the fat lady sings".
Thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences. I tried to apply for spousal benefits for my spouse online today and was informed my application can't be processed online. My spouse is already receiving a small SS payment. I called the 800 number and was on hold for 3 hours and 30 minutes. I waited impatiently but someone finally answered and was quite helpful. She started our application over the phone and told me we would need to finalize the application at the local office. There were no available appointments so I will have to wait no longer than 7 business days for a callback to schedule the appointment. The good news is she said the application will be dated today.
Answers: 1) No. 2) Yes.

I'm not sure, but I think you have to be at or past FRA when you apply inorder to qualify for retro pay (I'm not at FRA).

What was the date that you submitted your application? Have you reached FRA yet?

Given that the weekend is upon us and Monday is a holiday, I wouldn't be surprised if there's no further updates until Tuesday. I'll keep checking and let you know what I find out. Even though there may still be some unexpected hiccups in this process, I'm relatively confident that I'm seeing some "light" at the end of this tunnel. But as the saying goes, "It ain't over til the fat lady sings".

I appreciate your updates. Perhaps because you have no retro period this will go smoothly for you. I hope so! I am far enough past FRA to request the retro. I submitted on jan 2, was at step 2 on jan 3, got a call on jan 6, and was fully processed on jan 13 to approved but suspended. Letter showed up online on jan 14. So, I was very pleased with that part.

This is an interesting process to watch unfold. Hopefully some others will also post their experiences. Would be interesting to see the SSA reply to the Congressional letter mentioned upstream.
I have a modest CSRS pension and a paultry social security benifit. Based on what others have said I will have 2/3 the amount of my monthly CSRS pension added to my monthly Social Security. :dance:
(Sigh) I don't think you're interpreting what others have said correctly. Your CSRS annuity, whether 1% or 66% of it, doesn't get added to your Social Security benefit payment. CSRS and SS are two different annuity streams, and in fact, are treated so differently for most matters, including, on the front end, the level of contributions made to each system and, on the back end, how the annuities are taxed. WEP, which probably resulted in the small Social Security benefit that you and I both received over the years, was the result of reducing Social Security payments for those who did not make substantial contributions to the Social Security system over their employment record because they were covered by a public pension program in which contributions to Social Security ( the employee's FICA tax) were not required! Here's how the Social Security Administration explains WEP: Program Explainer: Windfall Elimination Provision

Similarly, GPO treats public pensions as a factor in reducing or eliminating spousal benefits and survivor benefits that would normally occur for those claiming benefits on the basis of a spouse's employment record/contributions into the Social Security system. GPO offsets 2/3's of a person's public pension against the amount that person would otherwise be entitled as a spousal or survivor benefit under Social Security. So, if your CSRS monthly pension was $9000 and the Social Security spousal benefit you would receive (if not for GPO) was $2000 (50% of your spouse's PIA) then the offset of $6000 (2/3 of $9000) would have eliminated the spousal benefit. There is nothing in the new law or anything remotely posted here that says 2/3'ds of your CSRS pension gets added to your Social Security benefit payment! Here's how the Social Security Administration explains GPO: Program Explainer: Government Pension Offset
I paid 7% into the CSRS pension fund for 34 years. The rest of my working life, I paid into SS. Due to the WEP, my CSRS pension wipes out the SS that would otherwise be due to me. The GPO also prevents me from getting a spousal SS survivor benefit, should I ever remarry. I don't see why this is especially fair. Particularly since SS is treated favorably for tax purposes, whereas my pension is fully taxed as ordinary income.

Anyway, I doubt the new law will change anything for me. It would be too expensive, and the Treasury is in trouble as it is. And I'm unlikely to remarry. They don't make 'em like Mr. A. any more.
(Sigh), I also paid 7% into CSRS for 34 years (and for some years, I also paid into Social Security as a Federal seasonal, temporary or time limited appointee). When I retired under CSRS in 2013, I had 37 quarters/credits of coverage under Social Security; a few self-employment gigs from 2014-2018 after retirement of really, really modest levels of income, and one year as a seasonal employee with U.S. Census Bureau for the 2020 Census (with contributions into Social Security) resulted in attaining sufficient quarters/credits of coverage for retirement benefits. My WEP'd reduced payment stands at $358 before the new legislation gets implemented. WEP does not eliminate your SS retirement benefit entirely!

Finally, you're entitled to spousal benefits or survivor benefits whether you're divorced, widowed or remarry in many circumstances. You should read up on these circumstances. Apply for what's rightfully yours under Social Security.
And the saga continues.....Posted yesterday that the SS regional office rep assigned to my application had called and left me a message to call him, of course I called back and left a message twice but he never returned my call today. I also logged into the SS webpage to find my status has changed a little. It now says I've been denied for retirement benefits and that I was still in Step 2 for spousal benefits that I applied for.

The strange part is I never applied for retirement benefits from myself because I know I don't have enough quarters. I only applied for spousal benefits so why does it say denied for retirements for under my work history? I'm guessing it's just a strange way of how they do business.

Time will tell, now I have to wait until Tuesday to attempt another phone call. It's just frustrating anytime I have to deal with the Federal Government. Nothing ever goes like it's suppose too.
And the saga continues.....Posted yesterday that the SS regional office rep assigned to my application had called and left me a message to call him, of course I called back and left a message twice but he never returned my call today. I also logged into the SS webpage to find my status has changed a little. It now says I've been denied for retirement benefits and that I was still in Step 2 for spousal benefits that I applied for.

The strange part is I never applied for retirement benefits from myself because I know I don't have enough quarters. I only applied for spousal benefits so why does it say denied for retirements for under my work history? I'm guessing it's just a strange way of how they do business.

Time will tell, now I have to wait until Tuesday to attempt another phone call. It's just frustrating anytime I have to deal with the Federal Government. Nothing ever goes like it's suppose too.
It's especially frustrating when we fail to fully understand the rules in which the system is operating under. I think your application is caught up with the "deemed filing" requirements, in which one cannot just file for spousal benefits but is deemed to have filed for both retirement benefits (on your record) and spousal benefits on your spouse's record, as explained here: Benefits Planner: Retirement | Filing Rules for Retirement and Spouses Benefits | SSA.

Sounds like the system, with deemed filing, is working the way it should with your application.
Thanks ChrisC, I hope that's true. Unfortunately for the average person these rules or policies are hard to fully understand, not unlike our IRS tax code. Just seems that if he had called me back he could have easily set my mind at ease a little or had left a better voice mail. Who knows, maybe he'll try back on Tuesday.

Luckily in my case this money isn't needed or ever expected. It's just a sudden windfall for me but I'm also interested to see how this all plays out and to keep others updated who might be in the same situation as me.
And the saga continues.....Posted yesterday that the SS regional office rep assigned to my application had called and left me a message to call him, of course I called back and left a message twice but he never returned my call today. I also logged into the SS webpage to find my status has changed a little. It now says I've been denied for retirement benefits and that I was still in Step 2 for spousal benefits that I applied for.

The strange part is I never applied for retirement benefits from myself because I know I don't have enough quarters. I only applied for spousal benefits so why does it say denied for retirements for under my work history? I'm guessing it's just a strange way of how they do business.

Time will tell, now I have to wait until Tuesday to attempt another phone call. It's just frustrating anytime I have to deal with the Federal Government. Nothing ever goes like it's suppose too.
This is normal. They are actually supposed to check for any possible benefits you might be due, and even if not entitled, formally closeout the issue, so the worker apparently did the proper thing by doing a quick application for retirement benefits on your own record, which resulted in the denial due to lack of "quarters." That is a separate issue from any spousal application, which as you indicated is still pending.
Thanks to everyone for sharing their experiences. I tried to apply for spousal benefits for my spouse online today and was informed my application can't be processed online. My spouse is already receiving a small SS payment. I called the 800 number and was on hold for 3 hours and 30 minutes. I waited impatiently but someone finally answered and was quite helpful. She started our application over the phone and told me we would need to finalize the application at the local office. There were no available appointments so I will have to wait no longer than 7 business days for a callback to schedule the appointment. The good news is she said the application will be dated today.
I'm not sure what city you live in, but I would check and see if there is another local office in your area. If so, you can check with them and see if you can get an in-person appointment. I think the offices open at 9:00 a.m., so it works best if you call no later than 9:01 a.m. Good luck.
And the saga continues.....Posted yesterday that the SS regional office rep assigned to my application had called and left me a message to call him, of course I called back and left a message twice but he never returned my call today. I also logged into the SS webpage to find my status has changed a little. It now says I've been denied for retirement benefits and that I was still in Step 2 for spousal benefits that I applied for.

The strange part is I never applied for retirement benefits from myself because I know I don't have enough quarters. I only applied for spousal benefits so why does it say denied for retirements for under my work history? I'm guessing it's just a strange way of how they do business.

Time will tell, now I have to wait until Tuesday to attempt another phone call. It's just frustrating anytime I have to deal with the Federal Government. Nothing ever goes like it's suppose too.
Stay calm. The system is the system. I went through the same process and yesterday I got my spousal benefits letter online. Checks should start arriving next month. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Fyi, anytime you submit an application, even for spousal benefits, it processes the application as if you also applied for benefits under your own record. Since you didn't have enough quarters, neither did I, it denies that part of the application and continues to process the spousal benefits application. That's routine and no big deal. Just stay focused on the spousal part. Also, call first thing in the morning as soon as the office opens. You'll increase your chances of getting through.
Good Luck!
Stay calm. The system is the system. I went through the same process and yesterday I got my spousal benefits letter online. Checks should start arriving next month. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Fyi, anytime you submit an application, even for spousal benefits, it processes the application as if you also applied for benefits under your own record. Since you didn't have enough quarters, neither did I, it denies that part of the application and continues to process the spousal benefits application. That's routine and no big deal. Just stay focused on the spousal part. Also, call first thing in the morning as soon as the office opens. You'll increase your chances of getting through.
Good Luck!
Did you check for your letter today? If you go to your site, it will possibly show the spousal app you filed at stage 3, and scroll down a little lower and it might state "approved."

Then if you go to the top right it will show a place to click for the benefits verification letter--clicking on this should bring up a copy of the letter they are sending you, and whether a payment is being issued or whether it is a 0.00 benefit still (due to the gov't pension).

Please post what you find as this could give an idea of whether they are actually processing to pay or still suspending benefits based on the old law.
I’ve recently been informed about this new change in WEP. I’ve not read every post, but let me see if I’ve got this right. I’m 64 and retired, not taking social security yet. My wife is 61 and is a retired school teacher who currently receives an educational pension. She did not pay into Social Security during her working career but was required to pay a similar amount into a teacher retirement system. I had not planned on taking SS until by full retirement age, or later. Due to the WEP, we knew that she was not eligible for any of my social security benefits. Currently her pension is and will always be a greater amount than my Social Security.
Am I understanding this new ruling right? Is she now eligible to file for spousal benefits and collect that portion of my SS benefits until I file some time in the future?
Did you check for your letter today? If you go to your site, it will possibly show the spousal app you filed at stage 3, and scroll down a little lower and it might state "approved."

Then if you go to the top right it will show a place to click for the benefits verification letter--clicking on this should bring up a copy of the letter they are sending you, and whether a payment is being issued or whether it is a 0.00 benefit still (due to the gov't pension).

Please post what you find as this could give an idea of whether they are actually processing to pay or still suspending benefits based on the old law.
Just checked. Benefit Verification Letter indicates that my benefits begins January 2025. It indicates the monthly amount and advises that the Part B premium will be deducted and also lists my relevant Medicare information. It also makes mention of the fact that payments for a given month are paid in the following month. Hence, my first check should arrive in February. Fingers crossed.

What does your benefit letter say?
I’ve recently been informed about this new change in WEP. I’ve not read every post, but let me see if I’ve got this right. I’m 64 and retired, not taking social security yet. My wife is 61 and is a retired school teacher who currently receives an educational pension. She did not pay into Social Security during her working career but was required to pay a similar amount into a teacher retirement system. I had not planned on taking SS until by full retirement age, or later. Due to the WEP, we knew that she was not eligible for any of my social security benefits. Currently her pension is and will always be a greater amount than my Social Security.
Am I understanding this new ruling right? Is she now eligible to file for spousal benefits and collect that portion of my SS benefits until I file some time in the future?
Congratulations on her retirement. It’s my understanding that she cannot file for spousal benefits under your record until you actually file and start receiving your own SS retirement benefits.
Once you do so, she will be good to go to submit an application.

Good luck
I’ve recently been informed about this new change in WEP. I’ve not read every post, but let me see if I’ve got this right. I’m 64 and retired, not taking social security yet. My wife is 61 and is a retired school teacher who currently receives an educational pension. She did not pay into Social Security during her working career but was required to pay a similar amount into a teacher retirement system. I had not planned on taking SS until by full retirement age, or later. Due to the WEP, we knew that she was not eligible for any of my social security benefits. Currently her pension is and will always be a greater amount than my Social Security.
Am I understanding this new ruling right? Is she now eligible to file for spousal benefits and collect that portion of my SS benefits until I file some time in the future?
Just checked. Benefit Verification Letter indicates that my benefits begins January 2025. It indicates the monthly amount and advises that the Part B premium will be deducted and also lists my relevant Medicare information. It also makes mention of the fact that payments for a given month are paid in the following month. Hence, my first check should arrive in February. Fingers crossed.

What does your benefit letter say?
This is indeed very interesting. So it appears you filed on jan 6 after the signing, and everything went smoothly because your worker did not enter your govt pension info on the application (?) or perhaps because you weren't requesting retro months before the month the law became effective (?) and so you were processed into pay. On the other hand, I applied jan 2 and the worker completed my application on jan 6, after the law was signed, and was not processed until after the signing--on jan 13--and I did request retro benefits, yet I was put in suspended status because the worker did put my gov't pension data in the system.

Wonder if one of them made a mistake or if both were correct for our respective claims?

So far no one else on this thread that I remember has stated what the outcome of their spousal application was, so I'm guessing I better contact Soc Sec to find out what's what.

Anybody else get a decision on their claim yet?
I’ve recently been informed about this new change in WEP. I’ve not read every post, but let me see if I’ve got this right. I’m 64 and retired, not taking social security yet. My wife is 61 and is a retired school teacher who currently receives an educational pension. She did not pay into Social Security during her working career but was required to pay a similar amount into a teacher retirement system. I had not planned on taking SS until by full retirement age, or later. Due to the WEP, we knew that she was not eligible for any of my social security benefits. Currently her pension is and will always be a greater amount than my Social Security.
Am I understanding this new ruling right? Is she now eligible to file for spousal benefits and collect that portion of my SS benefits until I file some time in the future?
You bring to attention the other aspect of this law change: some who were going to wait until older to take their social security will now have a spouse who can also draw off of the wage earner's record. This could change what some people want to do. The spousal benefit spouse would need to be at least 62 (exceptions if a child in care under a certain age, and other situations?). And, if they do draw as a spouse earlier than their own full retirement age, it would be a reduced benefit, whereas if waiting until older, it could be up to half of what the wage earner's (FRA) full retirement amount is (but not the delayed retirement amount). Others here might be able to explain better and of course verify everything with Social Security.
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I'm curious about the marriage certificate. Do you know if the original one from the wedding, signed by the officiant and witnesses, will be accepted? Or do you have to show an official one from the courthouse?

I'm assuming DH is going to have to do the same thing.
The SS rep said that if you were married in the US an official marriage certificate from the courthouse would be required. Good luck.
The SS rep said that if you were married in the US an official marriage certificate from the courthouse would be required. Good luck.
Good to know. Thanks!

Over 15 years ago, when DH was still working, his employer updated their health insurance and we had to get an official marriage certificate so that I could continue to qualify for health insurance. I went to the courthouse and asked for it. There was a small fee. I got 2 of them thinking I'd need another one at some point. Then I used the 2nd one when he filed for his pension. Should have gotten 3!

It's just over in the next county so DH will go get one. We can mail in a request and send a check, but who knows how long that will take.

I've checked on his application. Still in step 2. I told him about a poster here who transferred his to the local office and progressed to the next step. He's not interested in calling and asking for that. If you've read my posts, he doesn't interact with anything financial.............
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I'm encouraging my DF to apply for spousal benefits. He's been collecting off his own WEP'ed record for 12 years. (1/2 of his wife's benefit would be more than his non-WEP'ed benefit.)
Has anyone been successful applying online for spousal in this type of case? Where they are already collecting off of their own record that is affected by WEP? DF is saying he looked online and doesn't see where he can do this.
Good to know. Thanks!

Over 15 years ago, when DH was still working, his employer updated their health insurance and we had to get an official marriage certificate so that I could continue to qualify for health insurance. I went to the courthouse and asked for it. There was a small fee. I got 2 of them thinking I'd need another one at some point. Then I used the 2nd one when he filed for his pension. Should have gotten 3!

It's just over in the next county so DH will go get one. We can mail in a request and send a check, but who knows how long that will take.

I've checked on his application. Still in step 2. I told him about a poster here who transferred his to the local office and progressed to the next step. He's not interested in calling and asking for that. If you've read my posts, he doesn't do anything financial.............
When I initially looked for mine at home, I couldn't find it. So, I went to the County office and stood in line for over an hour to order one and pick it up in the same day. I was told that, because the marriage was so long ago the record wasn't in their computer system and had to be manually retrieved and then mailed. 🙃 Went back home and looked some more...found it.

When I took it to my appointment with the local SS rep, she just scanned it into their system and gave it back to me.

It was really helpful to have application review send to my local SS office so I had an actual person to see and talk to in case any snags occurred. As I indicated in a previous thread, my online SS account indicates that I've already been approved and I've seen my online Benefit Verification Letter. Hopefully, I'm good to go for a check in February, but it ain't done til I the funds are in my account 🫰. Good luck.
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