I got the same model about 9 mos ago and I love it! I think you will too. My tips:
- Practice on a flat paved or lawn area near home with & without remote before you take it on the course.
- It has a “fourth” stabilizing wheel that extends out the back side to prevent overturning. Get familiar with deploying/stowing it, and definitely use it on the course.
-Even with the stabilizing wheel, try to go straight up steep hills instead of at an angle.
- Avoid driving into curbs at an angle. It’s hard on the front wheels.
-Secure your legs on your stand bag if you have them; it will keep your bag more secure on the cart.
-Pay attention around other golfers and their bags; I’ve been distracted & let my cart bump into a buddy’s cart.
-Stow the battery immediately after your round so you don’t misplace it.
-When you’re on the green & need only your putter, use the remote to send the cart to the next tee box. That’s probably the most fun thing you can do with the cart!
-Lock the remote when you keep it with you after sending your cart to another location, to prevent accidentally deploying it. Mine once danced in circles on the edge of a deep bunker because I inadvertently pressed a button while bending down to read a putt.
-Give your cart a name; mine is “3RPO”. There’s a story...
Enjoy! ��️*