Golf Talk Tuesdays - 2021

Why close it after only 5+ years and 2436 posts?

Just kidding, makes sense...
Our Monday group playing this Monday, mid 50s, sunny, little wind, all good except for hitting off of brown dormant grass, but who's complaining ! Wishing everyone nothing but pars and birdies in 2021.
DW gave me a $241 gift card to my regular golf course for our anniversary this morning. I finally have her trained... :nonono: who am I kidding?
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So, after 8 wks of no golf, and not much else, the knee draining & cortisone shot worked miracles. I've been able to take some nice (flat) walks up to 7 miles without any pain in the "good" knee (the one that got the cortisone shot); of course, the "bad" knee still hurts all the time but, I can manage that.

Anyway, my plan was to confirm I could manage a decently long walk...CHECK! Then to see how my swing was on the range...NO CHECK! :facepalm: I seemed to have contracted that most dreaded of all golf diseases, the one who's name must not be mentioned...the $h@nkS. :confused: So, back to my instructor for a swing 'vaccine.'

Et Voilà! My swing is healthy again; well, as healthy as it's ever been. He had me: (1) concentrate on a complete follow through with my wrists, (2) an 'inside' loop with my swing (mental mostly to prevent coming over the top), and (3) move my back foot back a couple inches to allow me to get a bit more hip turn. I know that three swing thoughts sounds like a lot but, 45 mins of repetition got it ingrained fairly well. Now, we'll see how it works next week on the course. :popcorn:
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out nov and dec with covid

ready to tee 'em up again...unfortunately, noah is building an arc here (and it's pretty cold)

can't wait to swing the sticks
I’ve been walking using a push cart almost since Covid struck, and enjoyed it though my back starts to tighten up about around #16. Being old sucks.

Just ordered one of these, arrives next Tuesday, and I can’t wait. Buddy of mine has the exact same model, and I got to pick his brain and test drive it. An indulgence I guess, but I’d like to walk more/all time and it will be nice to just walk without carrying or pushing clubs for the first time in my life. Never really like riding carts, especially this time of year when most courses I play are cart path only. Somehow I always manage to land on the side away from the path... :blush:

If any of you have an electric cart, any pointers would be appreciated. I’ve already been warned it will probably tip over occasionally no matter how careful I am (ruts and holes I don’t see).

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Nice! I've only seen two on the course in all my years golfing. With covid I have walked more while someone else drove the cart carrying my clubs. Amazing how much easier and enjoyable it is to walk without carrying or pushing clubs.
...I have walked more while someone else drove the cart carrying my clubs.

that's my M.O. too. I have always done that with my sunday game...figured i would at least walk 5 miles and get health benefits in case I played really badly.
Nice! I've only seen two on the course in all my years golfing. With covid I have walked more while someone else drove the cart carrying my clubs. Amazing how much easier and enjoyable it is to walk without carrying or pushing clubs.
That would be awesome too, I don’t have an arrangement like that.
I've played with a couple people that use electric carts, want to avoid going across steep side slopes or have your hands on it during those times to stop it from tipping over.
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I’ve been walking using a push cart almost since Covid struck, and enjoyed it though my back starts to tighten up about around #16. Being old sucks.

Just ordered one of these, arrives next Tuesday, and I can’t wait. Buddy of mine has the exact same model, and I got to pick his brain and test drive it. An indulgence I guess, but I’d like to walk more/all time and it will be nice to just walk without carrying or pushing clubs for the first time in my life. Never really like riding carts, especially this time of year when most courses I play are cart path only. Somehow I always manage to land on the side away from the path... :blush:

If any of you have an electric cart, any pointers would be appreciated. I’ve already been warned it will probably tip over occasionally no matter how careful I am (ruts and holes I don’t see).


I got the same model about 9 mos ago and I love it! I think you will too. My tips:

- Practice on a flat paved or lawn area near home with & without remote before you take it on the course.
- It has a “fourth” stabilizing wheel that extends out the back side to prevent overturning. Get familiar with deploying/stowing it, and definitely use it on the course.
-Even with the stabilizing wheel, try to go straight up steep hills instead of at an angle.
- Avoid driving into curbs at an angle. It’s hard on the front wheels.
-Secure your legs on your stand bag if you have them; it will keep your bag more secure on the cart.
-Pay attention around other golfers and their bags; I’ve been distracted & let my cart bump into a buddy’s cart.
-Stow the battery immediately after your round so you don’t misplace it.
-When you’re on the green & need only your putter, use the remote to send the cart to the next tee box. That’s probably the most fun thing you can do with the cart!
-Lock the remote when you keep it with you after sending your cart to another location, to prevent accidentally deploying it. Mine once danced in circles on the edge of a deep bunker because I inadvertently pressed a button while bending down to read a putt.
-Give your cart a name; mine is “3RPO”. There’s a story...

Enjoy! ?️*♂️
I got the same model about 9 mos ago and I love it! I think you will too. My tips:

- Practice on a flat paved or lawn area near home with & without remote before you take it on the course.
- It has a “fourth” stabilizing wheel that extends out the back side to prevent overturning. Get familiar with deploying/stowing it, and definitely use it on the course.
-Even with the stabilizing wheel, try to go straight up steep hills instead of at an angle.
- Avoid driving into curbs at an angle. It’s hard on the front wheels.
-Secure your legs on your stand bag if you have them; it will keep your bag more secure on the cart.
-Pay attention around other golfers and their bags; I’ve been distracted & let my cart bump into a buddy’s cart.
-Stow the battery immediately after your round so you don’t misplace it.
-When you’re on the green & need only your putter, use the remote to send the cart to the next tee box. That’s probably the most fun thing you can do with the cart!
-Lock the remote when you keep it with you after sending your cart to another location, to prevent accidentally deploying it. Mine once danced in circles on the edge of a deep bunker because I inadvertently pressed a button while bending down to read a putt.
-Give your cart a name; mine is “3RPO”. There’s a story...

Enjoy! ��️*♂️
Thank you very much, hopefully your suggestions (some I hadn’t seen anywhere else) will delay my first wipe out. :blush:
-Pay attention around other golfers and their bags;

+1 One of the golfers I played with had a really annoying habit of sending his cart down the fairway to his ball while others were getting ready to hit. Very distracting when you're getting ready to hit the ball and can see a cart moving in front of you.
+1 One of the golfers I played with had a really annoying habit of sending his cart down the fairway to his ball while others were getting ready to hit. Very distracting when you're getting ready to hit the ball and can see a cart moving in front of you.
Just used mine first time yesterday, and I didn’t send it ahead or let it move while others were swinging. As it should be regardless.

I followed everything Huston55 suggested (thanks again), the one that surprised me most unexpectedly “Avoid driving into curbs at an angle. It’s hard on the front wheels.” I didn’t grasp that one, so I tried (twice) to go over a few curbs at near parallel (vs perpendicular) - BIG mistake! The cart tries to straddle the curb scraping the front wheels as it goes, I had no idea. I’ll never do that again...:blush: Thanks.

Otherwise I really enjoyed the electric “golf trolley.” I expected my buddies to kid me about it, “old man” stuff but they didn’t. Most asked how much it cost, where I bought it, and other questions as though they wanted to buy one too.

Started the round with a light jacket, played the back nine in a short sleeved polo. Why did I live in Chicago for 26 years? :facepalm:
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With covid I have walked more while someone else drove the cart carrying my clubs. Amazing how much easier and enjoyable it is to walk without carrying or pushing clubs.

Sounds like a pretty cool concept and you could trade off after nine holes if the walker gets tired or needs a change of pace.
If I'm not the golf cart driver I'll often grab my chipper and putter after hitting my approach shot and walk in from where I hit my approach rather than walk the entire hole.
Sounds like a pretty cool concept and you could trade off after nine holes if the walker gets tired or needs a change of pace.

Yep, did that too when the other guy wanted to get some steps in also. Also alternate every other hole. Whatever works.
Spyglass Hill

Got to play Spyglass Hill for the first time and it was glorious; both the course and the weather! Went with a buddy and we played as a twosome, which was great. And, we decided to splurge and share a forecaddie, since it was our first time on the course. We are NCGA members and get a nice discount on the greens fee so, it wasn't too outrageously expensive.


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I was able to play nine holes Tuesday. Cold, but sunny with no wind. I played okay, but I had one notable hole that would only happen on a frozen fairway. The ninth hole is downhill 338yd par 4. I typically have about 125 yards to go after the drive. Tuesday I hit it well, but it must have hit just the right rock hard ground. It took me awhile to find it because it was about 30 yards from the green. The gps said it was a 307 yd drive. It made me smile, if only I could really do that. I hit a nice second shot (8 iron bump and run) and even made the birdie putt. A nice way to end the round and be able to say that I played golf in January.
I was able to play nine holes Tuesday. Cold, but sunny with no wind. I played okay, but I had one notable hole that would only happen on a frozen fairway. The ninth hole is downhill 338yd par 4. I typically have about 125 yards to go after the drive. Tuesday I hit it well, but it must have hit just the right rock hard ground. It took me awhile to find it because it was about 30 yards from the green. The gps said it was a 307 yd drive. It made me smile, if only I could really do that. I hit a nice second shot (8 iron bump and run) and even made the birdie putt. A nice way to end the round and be able to say that I played golf in January.
I hit a 303 yd drive last year, but same dis-qualifier. Par 4 343 yard dogleg left with cart path left. My drive must have landed on the path on the fly because I found it just short of the green...
I played with a couple guys that I didn't know last Monday. On the way to the first tee I asked them how far the hit their drives so I could recommend what tees we should play from.... they said 200 to 260 yards... I responded something like "Wow, that's quite a range!" and my BS meter went on red alert. I suggested that we play the senior tees "since you've never played the course before".

I had an ok day but they were all over the place. On the last part 5 I hit a good drive for me so I hit the button on my GPS... I was 10-20 yards beyond them but was only 210 from the tee. I don't think either of them exceeded 200 more than once all day.
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