Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
This does not happen in a modern social democracy. If you can't teach people not to smoke, how can you teach them not to fritter away their money? Cultures change, and ours has changed from the old protestant ethic to the modern post WW2 consumer ethic. Those of us here are throwbacks, perhaps because our personality structures are more non-conforming. This is especially true when the best and smartest manipulators work for advertisers and the media, who of course don't give a crap what happens to people once they are sucked dry. So teaching will not work. The best way is to make it such that the lazy, automatic easy path be that which is best for the individual and also for society. I don't think many of us are ready to see crippled orphans begging for bread on our streets.Maybe the solution is to teach people that they need to save for themselves and hammer in the consequence is dog food for dinner. And if they don't, 'let them eat dog food.'
Only way to avoid coercion or its modern and better twin, social manipulation, would be to turn back the clock 200 years and that is just not going to happen.