Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Secular religion? Herding? Which has the larger population of people buying from them, local organic farmers or big box grocery stores? Because I prefer to buy from local farmers where I can go to their farm, see their operation and support my local economy, I'm part of some mindless mob following a marketing ploy? A bit harsh don't you think? If you choose to buy your food from a large grocery store or Wal-Mart, I don't care. Why do you hold such a negative view of those who choose to buy their food differently than you?
I am sorry, you make a very good point. Anyway, most of your words are yours, not mine. To touch on just one aspect, if you don't see that marketing plays a big part in the current interst in "green", then there isn't much I could say to you.
I'm 68 now, I started buying food from co-ops, individual farmers, etc. when I was 28. I started growing a lot of my own food about the same time. I have seen how cyclical interest in these things is, and I am not in any way putting people down.
Whenever I can afford it, I buy organic. It's just that I already spend a lot on food, but it is less than my friends and family who buy organic, and I cannot afford the difference. I will pay up a little for organic at TJs, especially for the items where it really matters. Also, I have no freezer.
If you really want to save the world, go to some third or 4th world country and distribute condoms. Population will bury any of this, unless oil prices bury chemical agriculture first. If that happens, you had better hope you are one of the lucky ones who is allowed to eat.