I donate each year to several food banks, but have never found the opportunity to pay for someone’s groceries. But when I was standing in line at a busy grocery store during the holiday rush, a person came running in, saying, “Call 911, someone just collapsed in the parking lot!” The customer whose groceries were being checked through, a woman about 40, said, “I’m a nurse!” and ran out the store to assist. The cashier stood there for a few moments, waiting and not sure what to do. The next person in line, a man, said to the cashier to put her groceries on his tab. Cashier rang up her groceries, bagged them in 3 bags, and placed them in her cart. The man picked up his grocery bag and left. When the good samaritan returned, she looked confused at first when she saw her bagged groceries, and completely guffawed when she learned someone else paid for hers. A very kind man who didn’t even see her reaction.