Health care

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Recycles dryer sheets
Nov 29, 2017
One of the biggest concern for early retirees is the healthcare cost. The government has not focused on reducing the cost of healthcare. There are so much waste and fraud in the system. Also, there seem to be no limit on how much should be spent on certain illnesses even if there is no substantial benefit.

A major reason for the high cost of healthcare in this country is due to the fact most people do not pay directly for the cost. Insurance companies do not care as they can just request higher premium each year. Aetna CEO can walk away with half a billion dollars package even while receiving high salaries during all those years.

The Obama care made the problem for many of ER so much worse. The cost of insurance for our family went up 80% in two past years. Since we are middle class, we do not qualify for any subsidy. In addition, we are now asked to pay additional tax on our investment income.
Single Payer is really the only answer, but folk would rather pay higher costs than suport it on principle.
... The government has not focused on reducing the cost of healthcare. There are so much waste and fraud in the system. Also, there seem to be no limit on how much should be spent on certain illnesses even if there is no substantial benefit.

A major reason for the high cost of healthcare in this country is due to the fact most people do not pay directly for the cost. Insurance companies do not care as they can just request higher premium each year...


Single Payer is really the only answer, but folk would rather pay higher costs than suport it on principle.

Will Uncle Sam know to control cost, as a single payer? Maybe he will be forced to.
There are many moving parts in the answer.

In this country we have a little issue with pricing reality on many fronts. We see the word SALE and get all excited. Yet the retailer I worked for, generally our regular price was as good or better than the SALE price everywhere else for the exact same item.

We moved from a metro area to a smaller area in summer of 2016. Colonoscopy for my spouse in 2015 metro area was billed out at about 2and 1/2 times what my colonoscopy in this area was billed at this summer. The reimbursement and out of pocket was essentially the same.

Also I'm sure the CEO of Aetna who is going to reap approx. a $500 MILLION dollar payout with the merger appreciates the premiums rising and the cost to the consumer rising too.
Look at the rate of inflation in healthcare cost in the US. It's not hard to determine root cause.

I know de Niles a big place. I hope folks who live there wake up.

FYI: Carnitas taste great.
........ Maybe he will be forced to.
I believe in equilibrium - trees don't grow to the sky. Once the pain is great enough, action will be taken. Until then, slogans, half truths, finger pointing, scapegoating and denial.

In before the lock!
I believe in equilibrium - trees don't grow to the sky. Once the pain is great enough, action will be taken. Until then, slogans, half truths, finger pointing, scapegoating and denial.

In before the lock!

Yes, we need a scapegoat.....But who??

(The Pig is on its way)..:LOL:
I'm guessing this one will go 16 posts before the lock, anyone want the under or over bet?
There is a more equitable way to greatly improve healthcare, however it is not talked about. There are plenty of ways to improve the system without going to a single payer system.

Our niece came down with uterine cancer while living in SW London. She was treated with a rather conservative UK national healthcare protocol when surgery was certainly warranted. Despite having a Harvard trained physician, he was not allowed to treat her properly. We finally got her back to Memphis a year later, but it was too late. She was buried there.

No, i certainly don't approve a one provider or national system of healthcare.
I'm currently on a HSA/high deductible health insurance plan through work.

It reduced my cost, but this is with the realization that I would have to be the one in control of my day to day medical expenses.

What I personally believe is that each person should have a certain minimum level of insurance, to protect them from the possible situation where medical expenses would financially devastate their lives. Above that level it would be the individual's responsibility to choose the type of coverage that would work out best for the. You want a Cadillac plan, be prepared to pay Cadillac prices.
Or you shop around and find out what works out best for you. I also believe the medical provider industry should be more transparent in their prices. I know this won't cover every situation, but some procedures are fairly standard and one should be able to come up with a baseline average for a procedure in a given area.

Just my 2 cents.
Be sure to shop around for services by calling around. I needed a mri for my torn bicep and it cost my insurance 3k. Talked to my chiropractor when he saw my arm in a sling and he could have referred me to his guy for $400.
Also my current primary doctor has now been dropped by my ins. But he still sees me as if I don't have ins for just the $60 co pay I used to pay and he writes the rest off.
I'm currently on a HSA/high deductible health insurance plan through work.

It reduced my cost, but this is with the realization that I would have to be the one in control of my day to day medical expenses.

What I personally believe is that each person should have a certain minimum level of insurance, to protect them from the possible situation where medical expenses would financially devastate their lives. Above that level it would be the individual's responsibility to choose the type of coverage that would work out best for the. You want a Cadillac plan, be prepared to pay Cadillac prices.
Or you shop around and find out what works out best for you. I also believe the medical provider industry should be more transparent in their prices. I know this won't cover every situation, but some procedures are fairly standard and one should be able to come up with a baseline average for a procedure in a given area.

Just my 2 cents.

Kinda where I am in thought regarding base coverage etc.

We seem to forget, that insurance is a community risk pool. I will never use the maternity coverage in my policy, and the lady next will never use the price that is included for the treatment of prostate cancer in the general population of the risk pool. But each is used to estimate costs for the community pool.

Since moving here, I am really amazed at how near perfect the charges are here when you add copay and insurance reimbursement. My monthly or so Chiro appt., is $60. Copay is 20 and insurance pays 35. Same payment as downstate Chiro whose billing was double.

Don't know the %, but have read where a significant chunk of medicare monies is spent in the last 2 years of life. This also plays to the costs. A lady I worked with, her last child spent the first 5-6 months of life in a neo-natal ICU and has massive developmental issues that requires significant medical care.

I have an aunt in her mid 90s, with a congenital hip/pelvic issue has been asked if she wants her 4th set of new hips. She said no.

Advances in technology and procedures seems to be converging at the same time a huge number of people are turning old and that treating other illnesses that originally were a death sentence can be managed for years while trying to find that cure.

All this ain't gonna be cheap.
Be sure to shop around for services by calling around

preposterous concept for most important medical stuff. Nice to be luck an and find a dr who does this or that and only charges whatever and it all works out fine. But how
about all the situations wherein it does not?

Simply put medical attention does not cannot fit into a marketplace paradigm. People can make counter arguments but they are all laughable. Read the brochures on the Alzheimer's center. Select the right nursing home after you are unexpected incapacitated by a stroke or accident. Eating vegetables and exercising will keep you from needing health care. Knowing something costs more than I can afford will make it affordable because I can just "outshop" the best price. After I've gone broke paying for what I need somehow I will just have more money. Be for real
preposterous concept for most important medical stuff. Nice to be luck an and find a dr who does this or that and only charges whatever and it all works out fine. But how
about all the situations wherein it does not?

Simply put medical attention does not cannot fit into a marketplace paradigm. People can make counter arguments but they are all laughable. Read the brochures on the Alzheimer's center. Select the right nursing home after you are unexpected incapacitated by a stroke or accident. Eating vegetables and exercising will keep you from needing health care. Knowing something costs more than I can afford will make it affordable because I can just "outshop" the best price. After I've gone broke paying for what I need somehow I will just have more money. Be for real

For emergencies I agree, you want treatment now. But it does not mean that you or your family cant shop around for rehab after the incident or just because you check your mother into a nursing home does not mean you cant move her to another or hire home health care. I guess you are the type that just goes with the flow then complains about it. So keep doing that and I will just keep saving money.
Yes, we need a scapegoat.....But who??

(The Pig is on its way)..:LOL:
On another forum, many were convinced it was all the fault of undocumented immigrants. I guess that finding a single silver bullet cause / solution is appealing.
Thanks for the discussion. :flowers:

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