The funds are probably better than most advisor managed funds. If the advisor has you invested in index funds, then they may be within that 1%. I think you will get agreement from a lot of people on the board here that it is a good direction to move in, although many would suggest various modifications to "improve" it further. You can read the various boards here to get the flavor of suggested improvements.
If you don't like Vanguards allocation percentages in any of the funds, you can set your own very simply. They tell you how much gets put in each of 3 or 4 funds, and you can simply do that yourself. Just write down your plan and how you arrived at it. Then a year later look at your plan and do the rebalancing needed to follow it.
If you do like the percentages in the 2015 or 2005 fund, and you want them to do the rebalancing for you, simply use it for 95% of your funds, and put the other 5% (or whatever you pick) in a money market account. Actually, I like the 2035 percentages, but I'm only 50.
Also, bond funds are not necessarily bad. I was just expressing a preference for bonds myself, inline with the above "improvements". You would have to read up on bond fund behavior vs. bond behavior and risks and make your own decision. A lot of people on this board like TIPS which are a special inflation protected bond. I like high grade corperate bonds of 5 years and less, but am considering TIPS or I-bonds for the future.
Good luck,