Help Me Foil The Squirrels

We had a problem with squirrels getting into our attic, so we got a pair of barn cats. We haven't seen a squirrel since.
I think I may have found a solution. Plastic seems thick enough to foil 'Rocky'. We'll see.

good luck

we just switched to a galvanized trash can after something ate through the bottom of our plastic one.

now throwing away garbage like our grandparents!

except we have to bag it...
I wonder if basic rat traps like this would work on squirrels.

rat trap.jpg

They eat all the developing apples on my apple tree, and it is annoying me.
We don't have squirrels here so I am replying to pest repelling in general. We live in Hawaii and pests were getting into everything a few years ago, even in air tight containers. After some searching I heard bay leaves are magic. I bought a huge bag of dried bay leaves about 6 years ago that is still almost full.

Any container with bay leaves in it is not bothered by insects or rodents. I can't say why or if it will work everywhere but is sure works for us!
I don't know about Bay leaves to keep out squirrels but I use them in things like rice, other grains and pasta, to repel weevils, roaches and other insects. They don't seem to like the smell. I wonder if Bay leaf extract would repel mosquitoes. That would make a good natural repellent instead of DEET.
We don't have squirrels here so I am replying to pest repelling in general. We live in Hawaii and pests were getting into everything a few years ago, even in air tight containers. After some searching I heard bay leaves are magic. I bought a huge bag of dried bay leaves about 6 years ago that is still almost full.

Any container with bay leaves in it is not bothered by insects or rodents. I can't say why or if it will work everywhere but is sure works for us!
Thanks for the suggestion. I eventually foiled the squirrels by ditching the plastic boxes in favor of an old metal toolbox. :clap:
You're going to need to find a 3-D pattern/template for the hat. Maybe a jumbo jawbreaker candy sphere or a medium sized walnut. Make several hats. Then you will need to put some kind of sedative on some bait--perhaps sunflower seeds dusted with a sedative. Once the squirrels are asleep you can foil them.

One man's attempt to foil squirrels. This is the 1st of 3 squirrel obstacle courses he's made and posted on YouTube. It's pretty ingenious and at times, hilarious.

The squirrel like to live in my backyard tree, use the fence and house as a highway. That I do not mind, but inevitably they will chew on the house (eaves mostly). Tried a variety of things. Finally settled on trap and kill. Releasing them would just cause trouble for someone else, since we are all houses mostly.

To kill them, I simply drown them by dumping the trap and squirrel into a tub of water.
I don't know, man, but that seems (at least to me) like a really cruel way to kill a creature. To be honest, I agree that killing them is probably the best way to address the issue, but it seems there should be a better way?
I don't know, man, but that seems (at least to me) like a really cruel way to kill a creature. To be honest, I agree that killing them is probably the best way to address the issue, but it seems there should be a better way?
Sure - squirrel rehabilitation camps. If the little buggers can be rehabilitated. Although I suppose some are incorrigible.
I don't know, man, but that seems (at least to me) like a really cruel way to kill a creature. To be honest, I agree that killing them is probably the best way to address the issue, but it seems there should be a better way?
Well if I load up my 22 and dispatch them, I might get a visit from the police for firing a gun in a residential area. The thing with drowning is that it’s safe and effective. When I lived in a rural area, the 22 was quite effective and probably the best way to do something that I don’t particularly like to do. No one there was calling the police and it was pretty much instantaneous.
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