Help me identify snake - North of Houston, Texas


Moderator Emeritus
Apr 22, 2011
Conroe, Texas
I'm sure this is a common garden variety snake but with the strange markings, I can't identify it. The little guy is about 2.5 feet long, has a small head, and is grey/black in color. He is also living in my in-ground sprinkler zone valve cavity.

I bumped into him when I was weed-wacking the area Saturday and he jumped up then dove back through the one inch diameter hole in the green zone valve cover.

Today he is sun bathing and waiting for a tasty morsel to come by. I didn't want to disturb him when I took the picture so I stayed several feet away and enlarged the photo.

Garden snake.jpg
Can’t help you. That doesn’t look like a pattern. Is he getting ready to molt?
Can’t help you. That doesn’t look like a pattern. Is he getting ready to molt?

Well, that's a good question and I don't know. I guess I'll just wait and see. He seems comfortable being in that area so my guess is that he will stay. If I can get a better look at him and use my "real" camera, maybe I can get a clearer picture over the next day or so.

We do have all kinds of snakes around here and I have seen copperheads, corals, and king snakes in the neighborhood.
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Looks like a recently molted spotted cobra-mamba. They can be very aggressive in the early Spring.

I though a Cobra Mamba was a toy attack helicopter? :confused:

Oh, you mean the snake. OK, I'll be careful. But he needs a tree, which I have none in the back '40 at the moment as I cut them all down.
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I mean, assuming it has a solid color, it could be a rat snake or an indigo snake or other. Hard to tell with your photo. Is it big and long?

I’ve never seen a buttermilk racer and had to look it up - that’s a very cool looking snake.
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In the US all venomous snakes have a triangular head except for the Coral Snake. Do not step on snek. :)
I tell people on my bike trips: If you see a wiggly stick on the trail, that’s not a stick. It’s a danger noodle.
I mean, assuming it has a solid color, it could be a rat snake or an indigo snake or other. Hard to tell with your photo. Is it big and long?

I’ve never seen a buttermilk racer and had to look it up - that’s a very cool looking snake.

Looking closely at it in person, it's clearly a Buttermilk Racer, but a young one. It's about 2 - 2.5 feet long.
A Rattle Headed Copper Moccasin?
but seriously I think Dash nailed it.
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