The Bob Smith thing really has me puzzled. I have sent him private messages and he doesn't answer. He did not have a spat with anyone immediately before, like Ted.
But, I suppose it's possible that he passed on.
It's not very likely that you could track down a 'Bob Smith' in Iowa.
- I mean if I croaked, you won't see a 'Cut-Throat' Obit in the paper. And my wife wouldn't post it. So, when someday I just quit posting, just assume that I have gone to visit the great trout stream in the sky.
Bob Smith lives in my area. I did a search in our local paper to see if his name popped up. I am assuming that is his real name. Nothing came up. Didn't he say that he was moving soon? Maybe he has just been busy with the new house and visiting his children, I hope.