I am frugal in some areas...books is one of those. I really don't like to buy if I can check them out from the library. However, my education is at stake, so which books from the list below are a MUST BUY? Note: I have no interest in buying individual stock and really don't care at this point how Wall Street works (or doesn't work). I need a solid education in how to achieve FIRE.
"The Intelligent Investor"
"The Four Pillars of Investing
"The Intelligent Asset Allocator"
"Triumph of the Optimists"
"Why Smart People Make Big Money Mistakes"
"The Retirement Savings Time Bomb"
"Parlay Your IRA into a Family Fortune"
"Are You a Stock or a Bond"
"A Random Walk Down Wall Street"
"All About Asset Allocation"
"The Only Guide to a Winning Investment Strategy You'll Ever Need"
"Stocks for the Long Run"
"The Coffeehouse Investor"
"The Boglehead's Guide to Investing"
"Common Sense on Mutual Funds"
"The Little Book of Common Sense"
"J.K. Lasser's Your Winning Retirement Plan"
We each have our favorites but mine are "the four pillars of investing", "the only guide to a winning investment strategy you'll ever need", and "the Boglehead's guide to investing".