Hobbies you added after retirement

No new hobbies.
- Ham Radio for past 40+ years
- Sport pilot (now self-grounded due to kidney stones)
- RV’ing couple since 1986. Sold the RV earlier this year.
- Not s hobby but enjoy having b’fast with my buddies.
Adding a new hobby to my woodworking shop.

I have a 3d printer arriving today. While waiting for the printer I went down the 3d rabbit hole and of course saw a great deal, ($8/kg), on name brand filament and ordered 16 rolls! One of every color they offered.

I had already ordered and received 6 rolls to get started. Now I have spent more on filament than the printer. Reminds me of when I got my first color ink jet printer. Here we go again, Ha Ha.
Adding a new hobby to my woodworking shop.

I have a 3d printer arriving today. While waiting for the printer I went down the 3d rabbit hole and of course saw a great deal, ($8/kg), on name brand filament and ordered 16 rolls! One of every color they offered.

I had already ordered and received 6 rolls to get started. Now I have spent more on filament than the printer. Reminds me of when I got my first color ink jet printer. Here we go again, Ha Ha.
Given that you ordered that much filament, I suggest that you order more nozzles. I go through a couple of nozzles per roll of filament. Happy Printing!
I've greatly increased how often I hike.
My wife and I have become a regular gym-goers, and travel regularly to historic sites near home.

With two transitions coming by the end of the year, including the end of my position with a local outdoor club, I will need to find a couple of new things to do. I'm looking into volunteering with a local environmental nonprofit right now.
The better-half is often in command of the kitchen, but she was away over the holidays, so I used it as a chance to spin a few records and try making several different kinds of flatbreads. Might be due in part to the elevation we're at, but so far the Indian flatbreads have come out the best. The naan has been spongy and the roti and parotta flaky.
Pickleball. It's pretty much taken over my life and I'm loving it!
Tried to play guitar a lot when I was a kid. When I was a teenager I really pursued it and learned to play. when I was 25 I bought the very first fiddle/violin I ever saw for sale, $100. Struggled with it for years but finally, sorta figured it out. Along the way learned to play bluegrass and claw hammer banjo. Of course work and travel always got in the way.
After retirement, fell in with the local bluegrass community. Few months back a mandolin player asked if I wanted to join him in a band project. I said sure, next thing I know he purchased a PA system for us and now we are booking paid gigs. Keeping me busy.
What I really covet is to win the state fiddle contest….been working on that.
No new hobbies, just the ones I love.
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