So the only reason why your assets haven't dropped is because you are buying deflating assets at a discount? It will prop up your balance sheet for a while but it kinda sound like a short term patch... If real estate prices keep coming down, won't that affect your total asset value at some point? Unless of course you can continue buying assets at discounted prices until the market turns around. And of course, as you build up your RE portfolio, you will need to accelerate your discounted purchases to prevent your ever larger asset base from dropping. How long before you max out your borrowing power and the banks shut you down?
Plus I am always weary of people who claim they can buy assets below market price... Whatever you end up paying for a property IS the market price as far as I am concerned.
But if it works, it will have been a very bold move on your part. Personally I can think of 3 simpler ways to stop my assets from dropping or at least slow down the decline: 1) go all cash. 2) save more. 3) invest in a reverse index fund. I have been doing 2) and 3), still not enough to completely offset the losses though. Quite a few people on this board are doing 1).