How Much Fish Oil to Take?

Makes my urine stink bad enough to cut dosage and freqency of use down to where I don't notice the smell.
Interesting; I had never heard of this symptom. I wonder if the smell might have been caused by the capsule material rather than the fish oil itself?

Makes my urine stink bad enough to cut dosage and freqency of use down to where I don't notice the smell.

When I was taking them I was always burping a fish oil taste............. TMI! :whistle:
I take 3600mg fish oil every day...keeps the cholesterol down. My doctor said you can't take too much fish oil :)
I take 3600mg fish oil every day...keeps the cholesterol down. My doctor said you can't take too much fish oil :)

Not true at all. Fish oil, just like any other oil, can be a little hard on the liver. Probably doesn't matter in your 20s or 30s, but when you reach starting-to-fall-apart age (50s or so), you have to watch it. Especially if you are on certain medications.

It's good stuff, but even vitamin C has limits.
There is a lot of conflicting data on exactly how much a person can (or should) control cholesterol. For instance, this off-the-top-of -my-head Google search:

cholesterol +atkins - Google Search .....

Good point. I don't worry too too much about the cholesterol I eat. I do try to eat leaner when I can. However, I do watch out for taking in too many carbs, and the kinds of carbs I eat. My main carbs are veggies and fruits...5 a day. Once or twice a week I have a little bit of beans. Once or twice a week I will have a small serving of whole grains. I avoid the "white" carbs and rarely have any added sugars. I take the fish oil because high cholesterol runs in my moms side of the family. She has it. When the doc diagnosed her cholesterol at 350, he told her not to eat any eggs, red meat, whole milk products, or dark meat chicken (or the skin), and to eat oatmeal for every breakfast. So, she faithfully ate oatmeal for every breakfast, had a couple slices of bread and a fruit at lunch and chicken breast and veggies for dinner. Essentially she ate almost no cholesterol containing foods at all. After 3 months he checked her cholesterol again, and it was up to 450 something. (She then gave up trying to reduce it without medication and stared on the pills.).

For me, this means that cutting out all cholesterol is obviously not the answer. I did a severe round of Atkins a few years ago and lost a lot of weight, along with a nice drop in cholesterol. But, I found that I went overboard with it, and ended up not being able to stay with it and the weight came back over a period of 3-4 years. Now I'm trying more of a slow-carb approach. Limited carbs of a primarily whole nature, and exercise...usually 12-15 miles of running and as much walking as I can find time to do in a week, and fish oil. The weight loss is coming, very slowly, but it is happening, and my cholesterol levels are fine at the same age as mom was when she was first diagnosed.

... It's the intake of calories that causes the weight gain, not the exercise, because I am not an automaton whose actions are governed by hunger or insulin peaks. I may be hungry and yet choose not to eat more.
In fact, certain types of exercise cause you to lose your appetite...

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