Back in the old country where i came from (Southeast Asia). Mom and Dad can easily effort 1 full time and 1 part time maid to take care of us. 8 kids all together. Not to mention personal tutor for some of us if we needed it and guitar/music teacher too. We are not rich by any mean, just middle class.
Results: happy live, good education, tons of time with friends and family.
Now in the US, eventhough working as a researcher/scientist. i break my back just to keep things smooth around the house.
i see many high paying white collar phD with full time working spouse working like "dog" on the weekend hauling their kids around from one soccer game to another, fix their own toilet, paint their own kitchen, put tons of "sweat" power in upkeeping their house, maintain the lawn, cut their own grass, shoving snow out of the drive way, built their own deck, install their own floor, cleaning their own house, vaccuming and laundry (worse, folding and iron their own clothes), cook their own meals and then wash the dishes...... what's up with that?
i swear, i do NOT (again NOT) know anyone in the office or in my neighborhood that can effort full time maid (may be they are around but i have not seen it). Many people in my office can easily make between $130k to $200k/yr combine income.
The BIG question of the day is.. HOW MUCH do i need to earn to hire anyone to help you with basic routine in life. My brother hire a cleaning lady to clean his house once every two week and everybody says "WOW", you're rich...
let me guess, how about 300k/year?
Results: happy live, good education, tons of time with friends and family.
Now in the US, eventhough working as a researcher/scientist. i break my back just to keep things smooth around the house.
i see many high paying white collar phD with full time working spouse working like "dog" on the weekend hauling their kids around from one soccer game to another, fix their own toilet, paint their own kitchen, put tons of "sweat" power in upkeeping their house, maintain the lawn, cut their own grass, shoving snow out of the drive way, built their own deck, install their own floor, cleaning their own house, vaccuming and laundry (worse, folding and iron their own clothes), cook their own meals and then wash the dishes...... what's up with that?
i swear, i do NOT (again NOT) know anyone in the office or in my neighborhood that can effort full time maid (may be they are around but i have not seen it). Many people in my office can easily make between $130k to $200k/yr combine income.
The BIG question of the day is.. HOW MUCH do i need to earn to hire anyone to help you with basic routine in life. My brother hire a cleaning lady to clean his house once every two week and everybody says "WOW", you're rich...
let me guess, how about 300k/year?