Our apartment value currently constitutes 66% of our net worth. But that is because we bought at the bottom of a dip in the local market and the value has gone up more than 3x what we paid in the past 5 years. We couldn't/wouldn't ever pay that much for a property. But we do love it, and so while we decide to stay in Beijing we are keeping it -- cheaper for us to live here than to rent, actually (more than half of our mortgage payment is going to principal at this point, and DH's housing allowance offsets much of the rest).
I do call it our "lottery ticket in the sky", though, and am trying to convince DH we can cash it in and FIRE. Waiting for his buckets-o-work-frustration to fill to the same level as mine.
I do call it our "lottery ticket in the sky", though, and am trying to convince DH we can cash it in and FIRE. Waiting for his buckets-o-work-frustration to fill to the same level as mine.