How often do you get a haircut men? or free JD


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Apr 8, 2004
South Texas~29N/98W Just West of Woman Hollering C
Since my ER I can get at least 3 months out of one   haircut .  I used to get my locks trimmed every 3-4 weeks prior to ER.

I'm now trying to get 4 months out of the current cut, I think I can do it!!!

I pay $7.00 (including tip) to get the cut. Prior to ER my annual cost was about $100.  Current cost is about $28 annually.  Future cost (3/yr) should be $21.

Wish me luck in 2005!

That extra $79/year is good for about 3 bottles of Jack Daniel's each year. 8)
I learned to cut hair when my I was 11; my father gave me some clippers and said you are now going to cut all the hair in the family. Man was that practice cut on my dad bad! He kept letting me practice and I got pretty good at it.

I have cut my husband's hair for the past 20 years. No charge.

I have to pay $25 to $30 once a month for my own haircut. I sure would like to not pay that much. I could change my style but I like my hair short and neat. If it grows too long, it is wildly out of control. Looked cool in the '70s tho.
Once or twice a year is quite enough. Sometimes I've gone 2-2 1/2 years without one. There's no rush. I did 20 yrs in the military so I don't really even need any more haircuts. Ever
I get one every 3 or 4 months if I need it or not. :)


I keep my hair short, so it is easy to just cut it myself. I have always been a do it myself type of person.
I have been barber shop free for 2+ years.
Along with a long lifeline (I hope, my Dad is nearly 94), I inherited his very thin hairline so I have been shaving my head, a la Kojak for over 2 years.

I  did 20 yrs in the military so I don't really even need any more haircuts. Ever

Yes Uncle Sam does require us to keep pur hair cut regularly. After 14.5 yrs of wearing mine in a flat top when I leave I am thinking about the "George Carlin" pulled back in a pony tale or the "Joe Dirt" Mullet!

Never cut my hair!

Shaved head - only way to go!

It isn't a money thing - I look younger that way. People can't guess my age - I'm 50 and someone thought I was at least 40!

If it was a money thing I'm saving on barbers, shampoo, combs and time.
Please, mullet. It has to be the most unattractive hairstyle for men ever invented. NOBODY looks good in it. The George Carlin thing might work, tho. :D
The mullet has some advantages:

Business up front, party in the back!
The cognitive dissonance is way too much. Besides which it is *ugly*. Started to get a haircut and forgot to finish it. Ack.
"George Carlin"

My last military cut was 30 Apr 2002 and I haven't even trimmed it since then. I figure I've saved over $150, and although I'm the only guy in the house I still have the longest hair...

This is the first time in my life that I've been in charge of my own hairstyle, so I guess it's sort of a mid-life crisis. It's great not to sunburn my ears or neck any more. The first "grow it out" year was the toughest to control, and I figure the next 3-4 years will just get longer & smoother. Maybe by then I'll be ready to consider shaving the side & back fuzz.

But to my plumbing surprise, I've also learned that guys produce a lot more hair and shed it faster than women.

My first submarine made 90-day ballistic missile patrols. We'd hardly come to periscope depth more than once or twice a month, let alone hit a liberty port. So the pinnacle of sophisticated boomer humor was considered to be persuading the new crewmembers to shave their heads on the first day of patrol. You'd promise them that their hair would grow back in just a couple months, and when it seemed to be a lot slower than that then you'd claim that the submarine atmosphere must have slowed down their follicles. Of course the process really takes about 9-12 months, which led to a very conspicuous hairstyle in mid-1980s Scotland & Charleston, SC.

Although I had a few submarine beards, especially on northern patrols, a beard is a non-starter in this weather. I don't know about a shaved head under Hawaii sunshine. I might as well just glue on the hat to avoid skin cancer...
About every 4-6 weeks. I keep it short in summer and long in winter.

I have a very thick head of hair, and at 61, no sign of thinning. :D

I'm thinking in a few years I'll make a perfect Santa.

I have a ruddy complexion, and being a non-smoker, my moustache and hair are turning white, not yellow. :D

The only thing missing would be a big belly.......... I guess I would have to use a pillow. ;)
I get my hair cut when my wife says," Hey, Shaggy, trim that! Happens about every 8-12 weeks. $12 later all is ok

When I was working, I got it cut every 2 weeks at a cost of $20 per haircut, including tip. Since retirement two months ago, I've been getting it cut every 3 weeks at a local beauty college where the students cut it as part of their hands-on training/practice. It costs $3 and I leave a $2 tip. My annual cost of haircuts has been reduced from $520 pre-retirement, to $85 in retirement.
I am not sure how retirement changes the frequency of getting haircuts. I guess some individuals are trying to cut down on expenses.

I get a haircut every 4 weeks or so. Cost $15 ($12 plus $3 tip). I am still employed but when I pack it in I doubt the frequency of the haircuts I go for will change.
I don't think I am going to be able to cut down on haircuts when I retire. My present system is to  get it cut whenever it gets shaggy enought to annoy me. That works out to about four time a year. Once in December, once in late  spring and twice in the summer.  Since I will have a more outdoor lifestyle in the summer when retired I will probably get it cut three times in the summer. Long hair and heat no longer mix although I had a pony tail as a teen Haircuts seem really quite reasonable here 8 to 9 dollars plus tip
After 20+ years in the military, the alarms start to go off when hair touches the top of the ears. I'll probably keep it cut that short after I ER. But, I'm working on getting my DW to cut it to save money and time. Now that I'll be out of the steely gaze of others in the workplace, a bad haircut or two while she learns won't be a disaster.

Hey mccl,

Your old HPY (haircuts per year ) Index was 26 but you claim to have reduced it to 17. Excellent work!

However the most impressive index that you have foiled is the HCY (haircut cost per year) Index. To have reduced your HCY from $520 to $85 is in recordbreaking ground.

With a little time and effort your HCY costs will be under $20! :D
Althought my HPY is down to 0 as I have been shaving my head clean for the last couple of years. I just don't have that much hair on top and it is gray. Being single and 56, I would have preferred to have my HPY at 12 or more because I just have too much hair to manage myself.

Just day dreaming.

MJ :-/
I get a hair cut about every six weeks. Usually my daughter the hair stylist cuts my hair if convenient. She lives 2.5 hours away so sometimes I have to shell out 12+3 for a cut. I'm trying to get my wife to cut my hair. She cuts our dogs furry coat so why not mine?
I believe this topic is bald proof
that we may need to trim back on our tails.
Anyway, I will cut to the chase and suggest we wave goodbye to this. I am not parting ways with anyone
rooted in such fluff. I am just hairy(ed) and in danger of wigging out :)

John Galt
I cut my fiance's hair every 2 weeks. I refuse to let him touch my hair though :D so I spend $30 every 3 or 4 months on hair cut.

My wife cuts my hair. :D

For what it takes, the typical men's haircut is a huge ripoff. Short on top, shorter on the sides... done deal.

Get a Braun kit and let someone loose with it... you may be pleasantly surprised. If not, it'll grow back. :eek:
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