I have an HSA at Fidelity that I opened contributed to Dec of 2023. I want to make my 2024 contribution now and Fidelity will not let me make a contribution from a pre-tax retirement IRA. It will let me make it from a post tax, brokerage account. Not sure why and it seems to me that when I was w*orking, I could contribute using pre-tax, payroll deductions. So why then shouldn't I be allowed to make contributions from a pre-tax IRA? It's not THAT much money, so I have no problem using post tax money. Looking at my account history at Fidelity, it looks like it was a "cash" contribution in 2023. One theory is that the rules are different now that I am retired (since 2017) and I can invest and manage (and grow) the HSA as an independent account at Fidelity. And the withdrawals from it, if used for medical expenses, are not taxed. Am I missing something?