Hunting with your Computer Mouse



Just saw this on the CBS news. A guy in Texas has a computer controlled gun on the internet. You login and can shoot targets with a click of your mouse.

His next mission is to let live animals loose on his ranch and allow you to shoot them from your computer in a Manhattan Skyscraper! - Actually I find this totally hillarious :D - And I have got to give the guy an 'A' for his ingenuity.

The ones most outraged are bonified hunters, that say you should be actually outdoors instead of laying on the couch hunting.

You would think, I making this up - But this is for real :D
I just saw this also, Cut-Throat, so I can vouch that you are not making this up! I don't know how people can even come up with these ideas.

I am from a big family of hunters and I can only imagine what my father and brother would say if they were still alive!! It would be X-rated!!
Wow. That strikes me as the height of the laziness. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
Maybe we can pep it up a little.

I will be accepting donations to purchase the property directly across the street from *****.

After purchase, I will mount an internet controlled, remotely fired giant spitball gun. Alternatively, I could install a pancake shooting device that would place a pancake on his head every time he leaves the house (twice a week?)

Anyone interested?

Note: should we fail to get enough donations to buy the property I get to keep the money
...Alternatively, I could install a pancake shooting device that would place a pancake on his head every time he leaves the house (twice a week?)...

Syrup, too?
Now what kind of pancake shooting gun wouldnt include syrup!?!

Your choice: maple, blueberry, strawberry, chocolate, boysenberry, ollallieberry or brick.

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