I Finally Retired !


Dryer sheet aficionado
Jan 27, 2018
Hello (again) !

I finally did it.

Been an e-r.org member since 2018 and read the site every day.

Much to my embarrassment the only thread I ever started was this:
Where I claimed to be joining the class of 2019.

A corporate restructuring included financial incentives which were attractive, then COVID hit and I got into an OMY spin cycle.

Long story short, I exited last week. Was waiting on the end of year bonus/equity and left on good terms. I will miss some of the people but not the work or the corporate BS.

Everything in the post referenced above is still true, adding that DW retired almost 2 years ago and the kids are now married and continuing in their careers. I will be 62 in March so it’s not really an early retirement but the past 3 OMY’s have put a lot of financial concerns to rest.

Currently starting the detox process from being a corporate guy for the past 39 years, which may take a while. I hope to contribute more to e-r.org where I can and leisurely explore the retired life.
Sounds good.
I did similarly and now have way too much income in retirement.
But I'm not complaining...

And best of luck with the detoxing. These did-nothing-at-all days will grow on you.
Congratulations! Now plan a trip for you and DW. You deserve to celebrate!

Glad to see you finally decided to retire and join the club!
Congrats! Hoping that you decompress and love retirement.
Congrats. I retired at 55 in July. I too miss my co workers but NOT the w*rk. I get together with them for lunch every other month. It is amazing how quick I have forgotten the job details. I used to dream I was embedded in excel spreadsheets doing budgets and schedules. I rarely have work dreams anymore. The best thing this forum taught me was to build up my cash reserves to handles SORR and to build up the after tax account .. before retiring. At the time all I had was a good sized 401k. I did all that and feel very good I can handle 35 -40 years in relative comfort.
Congratulations! Many of us got a case of OMY syndrome, for various reasons. I retired 3 months ago and am still detoxing.

Welcome to retirement!

I too came from the Corporate world. Took a while to stop dreaming about all the things that includes, like monthly reports, strategic planning, customer visits, flying here and there, etc, etc, etc.

Now I spend my time hiking, putturing, with DW, and with family. Taking grandkids to the Y to learn to swim. Many other things. Much more enjoyable than the Corporate world, although I did like the social side of it.

Kudos to you for loitering on this forum. It's been very helpful to me.
Congratulations! And I totally get the concept of being stuck in a OMY spin cycle - that’s where I am now. But it’s a OMY spin cycle with an option to retire any day, should I want to. Work situation just had a massive improvement
and it’s fun again, so for now I’ll OMY. Or 2. Or ?
Congratulations SnappyTom

I retired when I was 61-1/2 year old, so about same age as you.

Retirement is wonderful !
Congratulations! Enjoy those mornings when you can linger over coffee and watch the sunrise, knowing you have the rest of the day to do what YOU want to!
Congratulations and welcome to retirement!
I am betting decompression and detox will not take as long as you think :)
Huge congratulations, snappytom! I was in the OMY spin cycle for a while as well. Retired a little over 3 months ago at 61, and it has been awesome. Like others have said, I miss some of my coworkers, but zero of the work. In fact, I realize now that the thing I liked about my job was the 15th and the 30th, along with my stock vesting dates. The rest of it was really something I dreaded.

Now I have all the free time in the world - enjoy every single day of your retirement!
Congratulations! Enjoy your retirement.

It has been easy during the pandemic to get caught in the OMY cycle. I'm trying to free myself.
Congratulations, welcome to the everyday is Saturday club. It will take a bit of time to get used to, but be flexible and have fun with the new freedom.
Congratulations, welcome to the everyday is Saturday club. It will take a bit of time to get used to, but be flexible and have fun with the new freedom.

I quickly learned that everyday is Saturday but Saturday. Anything you would have done on Saturday the involves driving to a store, do it during the week when they are less busy. No sense fighting the crowds.
Congratulations, SnappyTom. It's Monday, and you are NOT going to work. How wonderful does that feel!
Congratulations snappytom! Enjoy your well deserved retirement! I too got caught up in the OMY during the pandemic but this weekend said enough and started the conversation with the corporate gods on the bye-bye date!
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