I am also in the home stretch of somewhere between 150 and 350 days- give or take X days. Made the decision a year ago when I turned 55 and was eligible to retire that I would hang up the spurs somewhere between the end of my ex-pat assignment obligation (Nov 05) and spending 35 years in the energy industry (May 06). Timing will depend on what kind of housing we will re-patriate to in Calgary, Canada. DW and I will be checking out the real estate market there in July to see whether to buy or to build.
Clearly some different dynamics at work as a result of that decision. Ticking the days off can make time go very slowly, but in other ways work isn't as stressful any more as I really don't care what management thinks any more and I don't intend to go out of my way to jump through impossible hoops to please. I find the best approach is to find more ways to relax at work, turn a deaf ear to department and corporate noise, and spend a bit of extra time with co-workers that you particularly enjoy being with. In other words, hang loose!