Independent Barnstormer joins the Ranks


Jon Seagull


By way of introductions, I'm a recent military retiree after 22 years in the service. It's always been my dream to be positioned to retire early once leaving the service. I think I made it. It's not as easy as I thought from an emotional standpoint, but I do like the freedom it affords.

My wife and I have no grand illusions of the leisure/travel lifestyle, especially with 3 children under 7. But our house is paid for and we have no debts. (for now anyway). Uncle Sam provides 2500/month for expenses and we get by pretty well on that.

It's nice to be part of the Early Retiree gang and hope to meet some great folks with similiar interests. Have learned alot and look forward to joining some of the discussions.

Sincerely, JS
Are you any relation to Jonathan Livingston Seagull? I heard he died in a collision with a TV news helicopter :'(.
Think I heard that Mr. Seagull migrated into action films.
I loved 'Under Seige' :).
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