Do any of you use the online bank ING (a.k.a. Orange) for your savings account? If so can you share whether it's been a positive experience, if so..why and if not..why not?
I've used them a couple of years. No problems. It does seem to take a little longer for money to get from there to my bank than i'd like. Seems about 3-4 days for a transfer that reality says takes about 60 seconds to a couple of hours...
I use ING for the savings account. I agree that they seem slow. It seems like all the other financial transactions I do online take 1 or 2 business days. ING seems to take longer. Plus any deposits made have to sit for 5 business days before they are "available" for xfer out. Annoying but what are you gonna do..
ING is a little slow. I have accounts at both ING and Emigrant Direct. On 6/13 I did an online transfer from both to my primary checking account at a local bank. The Emigrant transfer posted on 6/15, ING on 6/16.
However, the ING online banking web site is better than Emigrant's. Much more information (daily interest amounts, etc.).
Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give me a forum ...
Mar 6, 2003
I use ING direct, but only for cash that will not be needed in the immediate future. They are a little slow, so mostly its a holding pen for longer term cash, stuff like expected tax payments, future solo 401k contributions, etc. that won't be paid out for months.