Input on a Vanguard Fund Selection


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Jun 17, 2003
Florida's First Coast
How about the Vanguard LifeStrategy Income Fund (VASIX) for concervative pre-tax money that does not need to be touched for 5 years. All in Now not DCA $300k. And "Forgeddaboudit". Will I be able to sleep? This from a VERY Risk Adverse investor.



No Shock waves to ride on this fund. Price and div. historically not very volitile. If your ok with 3+ %, go for it and sleep tight

Why not go for a 5 yr CD at CapOne that would pay 4.7% APY. Of course only$100K is FDIC insured, There are several banks that are paying over 4.5% APY.

MJ :)
Why not go for a 5 yr CD at CapOne that would pay 4.7% APY. Of course only$100K is FDIC insured, There are several banks that are paying over 4.5% APY.

Capital One also has 'no regrets' CDs that allow you to bump up the interest, should rates rise in the future.

The total return for this fund 5yr and 10 yr are 5.10% and 8.89% respectively (as of 12/31/03).

You say that you are risk averse but you need to take into account these risks: Income Risk (Bonds) : Medium-high
Interest rate Risk (Bonds): Medium and Stock Market Risk (stocks): Average.

With a .27%ER and the conservative returns stated above you could do a lot worse!
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