I'm assuming you don't want to rip out and re-do the soffit, and are looking for insulating material that you could apply to the inside top of the cabinets.
Take a look in Lowe's or Home Depot for Polyisocyanurate board insulation. Nickname is polyiso.
Available in 4' x 8' sheets of thickness 1/2", 3/4", and 1". Might be available in shorter width and length.
Either way, one side is a bright reflective foil, the other side is a colored foil. You could cut pieces to fit the inside top of the cabinets with a knife and a straightedge. Could make them to be a slight friction-fit. Paint the non-shiny side after cutting and test-fitting, a color to match the inside of the cabinets. You could use caulk to glue them up around the edges, prop them up with something to keep them flat against cabinet top until caulk cures.
Might be looking at 3/4" polyiso, as 1/2" is pretty floppy. Any of the thicknesses will have a high-enough R-value for what you want to do.