Insurance Catagory


Dryer sheet wannabe
Aug 11, 2006
Would you consider adding a forum catagory for Health Insurance? This seems to be a very important topic with great information scattered around.

al4trade, sorry, I missed your post until now.

The forum used to have more categories and a number of people wanted them pared down. But I agree, the health insurance stuff is scatterred all over. I find myself sometimes unsuccessfully searching for what I said before on health insurance issues.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
How about a sticky post that sttays at the top of one of the forums? We could collect past stuff or write up a FAQ of sorts.
Martha said:
The forum used to have more categories and a number of people wanted them pared down. But I agree, the health insurance stuff is scatterred all over. I find myself sometimes unsuccessfully searching for what I said before on health insurance issues.

Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

There are lots of posts on health issues, too. I suppose they could be combined into a single category, like Health and Health Insurance.

That aside, fewer categories are generally better in my experience since no matter how many you have, there is rampant "thread drift" which disregards the borders anyway.
Thread drift is an understatement on this board. :)

Brewer, I have thought about writing up an ER individual health insurance FAQ but it is a lot of work. Maybe this winter on some cold and snowy day.
Rich_in_Tampa said:
That aside, fewer categories are generally better in my experience since no matter how many you have, there is rampant "thread drift" which disregards the borders anyway.

To be honest, I am rarely aware of a post's category while reading it. The "Show unread posts since last visit" link in the top right corner, which I use a lot, shows posts from all categories. That is the way I like to view this site, as one giant "ER forum" category. :)
I'd be more than willing to help write up a guide on insurance. If you guys need any help just ask me and I can help with the research and the number crunching, etc.
Martha said:
Thread drift is an understatement on this board. :)

Brewer, I have thought about writing up an ER individual health insurance FAQ but it is a lot of work. Maybe this winter on some cold and snowy day.

I'll help with that if you want some input. I used to sell individual and group health so I know a lot of the pitfalls and can help cut through the clutter......... :)
I can certainly comment on life and disability, and perhaps a bit on auto/home/umbrella.
brewer12345 said:
I can certainly comment on life and disability, and perhaps a bit on auto/home/umbrella.

I guess we're covered...........:)
If we added another category to the forum, we could go a couple of different ways. We could have an insurance category that would cover all types of insurance products. We do have a number of people here who know a fair amount about different types of insurance from health insurance to long term care. Or we could have a health category that would cover health insurance as well as a wide variety of health topics (microwaves, statins, obesity :-X, exercise. . . )

I think separate topics for insurance(of all kinds) and non-insurance health related issues would be the way to go. I haven't noticed a lot of overlap between health insurance and other health related issues.
Gumby said:
I think separate topics for insurance(of all kinds) and non-insurance health related issues would be the way to go. I haven't noticed a lot of overlap between health insurance and other health related issues.

True, but then again there isn't much overlap between health insurance and, say, umbrella or life insurance.

Some forum software supports subcategories. If SMF does so, maybe a category of health, subdivided into insurance, fitness, and medical issues would work.
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