Internet Explorer Dead at 26: RIP


Give me a museum and I'll fill it. (Picasso) Give
Jun 30, 2002
Texas: No Country for Old Men
After long years of palliative care, Internet Explorer has reached the end its life, Microsoft says.

The much-reviled 26-year-old web browser once dominated the internet, but never shook its reputation as the slow, buggy net-surfing option.

Explorer, preceded in death by similarly reviled Microsoft icons Hotmail and Clippy, is survived by Microsoft Edge, the next-generation browser Microsoft first put out in 2015.

Few will mourn its passing.
I've been avoiding Microsoft Edge because of it's ancestry :popcorn:.
I quit IE a long time ago. I was FireFox, no I’m Safari. :)
I was using Chrome for quite awhile, but have switched to Brave, a child of chrome. Works and looks like chrome (including any extensions you want to add), but does a better job at privacy and blocking stuff that chrome lets through.
I haven't used IE since I retired 10+ years ago. Firefox works for me.
Last time I used IE was probably in the 90s.
I prefer GC.

What's GC?

My current main browser is Firefox, swapping over to Safari if I run into any issues. Figure that Google is getting enough of my personal info with Gmail and Google maps, so I don't use Chrome and avoid Google search.
I was using Chrome for quite awhile, but have switched to Brave, a child of chrome. Works and looks like chrome (including any extensions you want to add), but does a better job at privacy and blocking stuff that chrome lets through.

+1, Brave is great and uses a LOT less memory and resources than Chrome.
I use Firefox mostly and have been for quite a few years. I use Chrome second most. Sometimes I used Edge. I only use IE for things that don't work in the others using any tricks, compatibility mode, or such.
I haven't used IE since I retired 10+ years ago.

Same here, pretty much. IE used to be by far my favorite browser, back in the IE 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 days. The alternatives were Netscape Navigator and then Firefox, and they were (IMHO) just not very good browsers in those days. But ever since Chrome became the 800-pound gorilla about 7-8 years ago, IE has been pretty terrible in comparison. I haven't used it in probably six years.

I use Chrome for most stuff these days, although it's a terrible memory hog and I may end up switching completely over to Brave one day soon.
What's GC?

My current main browser is Firefox, swapping over to Safari if I run into any issues. Figure that Google is getting enough of my personal info with Gmail and Google maps, so I don't use Chrome and avoid Google search.

Google Chrome. FF is too slow. Safari? LOL. Nothing is private. These are free browsers. You are the product. Google getting my personal info doesn’t bother me. I like targeted Ads.
I switched to Firefox somewhere around 2004. At work, Megacorp required us to use IE because lots of internal sites and applications required it. They didn't want to support multiple browsers. When I retired in 2013, they were just starting to allow people to install other browsers on company laptops. For non-work purposes, I switched from FireFox to Chrome around 2008. It's still my main browser today. I have Firefox installed but don't use it very often.
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